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Well, I've started packing for the trip back to Seattle. I've done everything I wanted to. And most importantly, done everything I needed to with my parents.

For the first time in a long time, I feel I'm going home with nothing left for me to do when I come back. And I will be back. April I'm hoping.

The good news is that I can get good fajitas tacos in Washington. They're just triple the price, and not convenient to get to-go....

Dear Pacific Northwest,

After three weeks in Texas, I'm noticing a distinct lack of cream gravy, forty-four ounce drinks, Texas toast and guacamole enhancements in your drive-through restaurants. Please rectify this.

I am not a crackpot.

--Jennifer Dolari, Imperatrix in Exile, People's Democratic Socialist Federated Republic of Texas (Reformed)

Saw this while popping out to get some ingredients for dinner. I have to admit, "Things getting too expensive for you? Have you considered simply dying?" is a hell of a take.


Some people will never understand that it's their own stupid actions hurting themselves.

Scratching as many itches as I can before I leave on Sunday.

Is it really that easy to get a writing job on Saturday Night Live?

While I hate having to cancel on my friends, I'll also super spooked as mom's car battery has just up and died twice on us (likely not due to the accident today, that was super minor). I'm fairly worried about it doing that out in the country, or being stuck at a friend's late at night.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.