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good magic is about misdirection. great magic is about subverting expectations.

Trying to find my people on Mastodon. Please boost and follow me if you:

-pray to all 33 million Hindu gods each night in case one is actively listening.

-think that every song could be improved by the addition of a fancy little flute.

-don’t understand why we hire construction workers when beavers could do the same work for much less pay.

-suspect that algebra is a hoax created by the mathematics industry to sell more calculators.

An audiobook that is 8 hours of breathing and page turning with a surprised “Oh, out loud?” right at the end.

Q. What is a LLM?

A. Shorthand for Lilum, a species of half-demon women that companies have imprisoned in cubicles with terminals in them so they can be asked questions by horrible people

Last RT: Um, that, ah, may have been how I started my transition....

Watched the theatrical Star Wars while working on stuff tonight. Turns out my copy has a rare "Mono Mix" that has different effects and takes, and, honestly? I kinda like it.

Aunt Beru has a completely different voice and performance that feels way more natural, all the people talking during the Death Star attack don't have the super distorted radio sound (I never like the original tracks shortwave sideband sound), and a nice explanation of the tractor beam.

I've talked a lot about how ST:TMP's Director's Edition is an almost completely different movie than the theatrical release, but, really, it's funny how just a few changes here and there (as opposed to, you know, changes like Han Shot First), can change how you recieve a movie completely.

Just noticed I have only two super casual t-shirts, and they're Zelda shirts. I should show off my other obsessions.

Yesterday was the Transgender Day of Remembrance. A day where we remember people who were killed for being who they are.

What will you do today to make sure there is no need for a vigil tomorrow?

🏳️‍⚧️Transgender Day of Remembrance. 🏳️‍⚧️

Remembering those who were taken from us to soon. The ZZR will forever remain a safe space.

It’s Transgender Day of Remembrance. So many of our community are taken from us through violence. It’s violence stoked by fear and ignorance. That means it is preventable. And that means we have a duty to try and prevent it. Love, understanding, empathy, kindness. Those are the values that will stop the violence, stop the hate. Embrace them. And remember.

Trans Day of Remembrance is about remembering trans victims of violence, but for me it's also about remembering the conditions society sets up to put trans people in situations where violence is likely.

It's not just about a trans sex worker being killed by a john, it's about not being able to find safer work.

It's not just about a homeless trans person dying to street violence, it's about the family estrangement and discrimination that leads people to end up there.

TDOR, trans grief 

I just got done with my little TDOR thing, and after the names I read this little speech, that I wrote several months ago, and I would like to share with everyone else.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.