In #StarTrekTNG's "Brothers", we get a good look at the transporter room side entrance. This set has existed since "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" and you can read all about it here @eas:
Yes I'm a woman who believes in crystals and that their vibrations affect our lives!
The System Crystal in the original Nintendo runs at 21.47727 MHz and is integral to the operation of the Picture Processing Unit!
Disabuse yourself of the false belief that kindness is something you are, and that if you are a kind person, then kind conduct should come effortlessly to you.
Kindness is a practice that takes effort, and although it does come easier with practice, there is no way to be kind without actively doing something.
Just like a musician must move and breathe with musicality to play their instrument, so to must you move and breathe with kindness to be kind.
Republicans are afraid of facts Democrats will bring in a public testimony situation. An incompetent gang of cowards, as usual.
Republicans Reject Hunter Biden’s Offer of Public Testimony:
It's a completely useless but flashy move, much like Anakin himself! :)
Music Before Bed (and current mood):
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter