Music Before Bed. 1992 was the best and worst of times...
I have a lot of close friends who knew me pre-transition (some going as far back as 2nd grade). But most of my closest friends never knew me pre-transition.
I often wonder what they'd think of me had they met me during my high school years, or before I'd come out about being trans to my friends towards the end of my senior year....
Huh. I wasn't too too impressed by the food, but it wasn't bad at all. Glad I went when I could.
Neck pain update: After babying my neck, the pain is mostly gone. It's still there, but not stabby painful, just more a strained painful. But it definitely wasn't just a strained muscle as at it's worse, my arm started hurting. It was definitely the pinched nerve.
So I need to be super careful about that and the moment I start having pain, hit that cooling pad and anti-inflammatories and just hope for the best.
When it became clear that full motion video on cd-rom was a selling feature for games in the early 90’s, hardware manufacturers wanted to be a part of it as well. Sigma Designs’ RealMagic card, also sometimes known as ReelMagic, was a MPEG accelerator card that allowed users to play video up to 30 frames per second by plugging into a video card’s feature connector. While developers were initially excited to support it in 1993 and companies like Access Software, Interplay, Psygnosis, Readysoft, and Sierra On-Line announced they would create games for it, but the card only got a handful of games that support it. The card only being for a very specific niche and price tag of $450 meant the card had a short lifespan. Some of the known games that had special editions released for it include:
Dragon’s Lair
Space Ace
Return to Zork
The Horde
Flash Traffic
Crime Patrol
Crime Patrol 2: Drug Wars
Lord of the Rings
Man Enough
Space Pirates
Return to Cyber City
Prince Interactive
The Psychotron
Silent Steel
There’s other games that reportedly exist for it as well that have never been confirmed, such as Gabriel Knight 1 and King’s Quest 6, although these might have just been mentioned on the demo disc. The demo disc that shipped with the card has videos on it for games that never shipped for it, such as The 11th Hour, which was an early video of the game that uses an old version of the game’s logo. If you’re interested in checking out some of these games, there is a fork of DosBox that has ReelMagic support. I wouldn’t say the changes it makes to the games will make you re-evaluate them, they are noticeable. Return to Zork features FMV of people talking instead of digitized sprites, Crime Patrol features better quality video, and Lord of the Rings uses footage from Ralph Bashki’s animated film. The Return to Zork one is fascinating because while it adds more FMV, it uses the floppy disk version’s soundtrack, which is less impressive. It also leaves in takes where actors flub their lines and ruin some of the game’s jokes, where the more mainstream release of the game would edit around those. The strangest part is that it has video of dialogue not in the other release that gives more context to some puzzles, which are one of the more frustrating parts of the game. While I can’t say I’m surprised it never took off, it’s kinda fun checking out games from childhood that are actually slightly better than how I remember them.
These states could see the northern lights on Thursday
NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center
> With 3 CMEs already inbound, the addition of a 4th, full halo CME has prompted SWPC forecasters to upgrade the G2 Watch on 01 Dec to a G3 Watch. This faster-moving halo CME is progged to merge with 2 of the 3 upstream CMEs, all arriving at Earth on 01 Dec. G3 (Strong) conditions are now likely on 01 Dec. Continue to monitor for the latest updates.
Liz Cheney was never going to go quietly. Now her new book rips the GOP several new ones as she excoriates them for their lack of principles and backbone. My summary of key revelations in “Oath and Honor” in today’s piece.
#COVID Coronary Plaque Infection Confirms #CV Risk
> New evidence shows for the first time that the virus that causes COVID directly infects atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary arteries, producing a persistent inflammatory response.
> Giannarelli says COVID is more than a respiratory virus and that it can affect the whole body. "Our study shows a remarkable ability of the virus to hijack the immune system," she points out. "Our findings may explain how that happens."
> #sarscov2 directly infects coronary artery plaques, producing inflammatory substances, really joins the dots and helps our understanding on why we're seeing so much heart disease in COVID patients," Peter Hotez, MD, professor of molecular virology and microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, told Medscape.
#SARSCoV2 infection triggers pro-atherogenic inflammatory responses in human coronary vessels
> Our data establish that SARS-CoV-2 infects coronary vessels, inducing plaque inflammation that could trigger acute cardiovascular complications and increase the long-term cardiovascular risk.
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter