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Kid just made himself a Lego "cellphone," answered his first "call", then tapped the "end call" button in exasperation and said "it was a scam call"

#Developer Friend: "What does your downloads folder on your computer look like?"

Me: 🤔

Oh, I see. Each woman in TX needs a team of lawyers to have proper medical care.🙄

anti-vaxxers calling themselves "purebloods" now -_-

"In B.C., dozens of a supporters wearing T-shirts reading “Purebloods Stand Together” showed up in court to support a doctor who is suing the B.C. Supreme Court itself for a ruling that he says unfairly forced his children to be vaccinated."

source, The Toronto Star:


Since it's been a while, and this isn't exactly a huge spoiler, this was my fave moment from Wild Blue Yonder:

Well, since we know my (no longer chronic) cough isn't because of dust, I have an air filter I really don't need anymore. Should probably keep it, though, because "smoke" is quickly becoming our fifth season up here....

I'm suddenly beginning to wonder if I'm on an employment blacklist for whistleblowing on Nintendo.

It rough reading stories about characters you love that you're no longer allowed to write for.

When this song comes up, I always think of Erin, Dean and Crystal and Lissa - everyone who has always taken me in when I was down. But the song is how I imagine each of these people think of their time with me, versus me of them. Flitting in and out of peoples lives, and sometimes ending disastrously....

It's a 13 minute long song, but all the lyrics are in the first two minutes. I've posted them here cause I can't find them anywhere else...there's a second set of lyrics quietly under the first, but I can't make them out, except for one block that's the same as the loud lyrics....

Late One Sunday
American Analog Set

I met Tom one Sunday in Fort Worth.
He was living about two blocks from me at the time.
He was like a thousand little dots combined to make some massive mural.
I had my doubts, but, he moved in with us anyway.
And then he was gone.
I spoke with him on the phone and no one had heard from him.

Yeah, Michael was the most outrageous boy we'd ever seen.
And it didn't take long to figure out his criminal nature.
That was his style.
You know, the way he expressed himself.
Some people just loved to...loved to see him collapse.
But I just cringed.
That's wild....

Da da, da da.
Da da, da da.
Da da, da da.
Da da.

It was hard to swallow sometimes,
Following Diana through her seasons.
That were totally different from her real ones.
She was always looking for some uncommon basis for what she thought she should be.
There were all these people on display.
Just part of the show in the living room.
The white house was just too crowded.
And that night, I was clumsy at my post.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.