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It's funny how different things are.

When I was younger, and just transitioning, I was terrified of going out. I made quick trips, left early, stayed in. Often because I knew there would be trouble if I stayed in one place too long. People would stare, laugh, call me out. Occasionally threats.

Thirty years later, I am in my element. Walking through town in my outfits, not worried about how I looked, how I was walking, how I way moving. Just BEING. Not worrying about wether my voice would make people laugh, if my moving too quickly or stiffly would get someone's unwanted attention.

Sure, this is a more tolerant environment than Texas, or even Pennsylvania. But I'm not worried that I wasn't emulating being a woman correctly anymore. I simply am one. I always was. I just needed the space to realize that and an environment that didn't constantly make me question it.

That's a wonderful feeling.

LB: This was another thing that really happened to me. My mother kept my hairr short, because my hair became frizzy curly and looked too feminine.

Once I moved out and transitioned, let my hair grow long, and it began to make sausage curls, she threatened to cut it all off again if she saw me with long hair.

As soon as she saw the sausage curls, she immediately regretted ever keeping my hair long, and now I trust her to take care of my hair.

If the center of the US is so great, it wouldn't be called the "mid" west

I was once in a pretty dark place. Specifically, a truck stop bathroom stall with two light panels on the fritz, somewhere near Chaco Canyon. I had eaten Taco Bell about 160 miles back y no estaba bien.

Much too late, I realized there was no T.P.

... So I wept in that stinking stall, as one does in these situations when times are bleak.

"You alright, friend?" came a silky-rich voice. Then a hand poked a roll of toilet paper under the stall door.

That hand belonged to #JohnMastodon

Just saw the cybertruck referred to as a "sport futility vehicle" and I died.

Three white-hat hackers helped a regional rail company in southwest Poland unbrick a train that had been artificially rendered inoperable by the train’s manufacturer after an independent maintenance company worked on it.

⚠️The train’s manufacturer is now threatening to sue the hackers who were hired by the independent repair company to fix it. 

The fallout from the situation is currently roiling Polish infrastructure circles and the repair world, with the manufacturer of those trains denying bricking the trains despite ample evidence to the contrary.

The manufacturer is also now demanding that the repaired trains immediately be removed from service because they have been “hacked,” and thus might now be unsafe, a claim they also cannot substantiate. 

The situation is a heavy machinery example of something that happens across most categories of electronics, from phones, laptops, health devices, and wearables to tractors and, apparently, trains.

In this case, NEWAG, the manufacturer of the Impuls family of trains, put code in the train’s control systems that prevented them from running if a GPS tracker detected that it spent a certain number of days in an independent repair company’s maintenance center, and also prevented it from running if certain components had been replaced without a manufacturer-approved serial number.

Had a talk with my boomer neighbor who has some drama with her kids and I said something that she acted like was new information so I'm posting it here in case it is:

Your adult children setting boundaries with you IS an attempt to salvage the relationship. They are TRYING to fix this. That's why they are setting boundaries. If you fuck it up they will quit trying.

I once saw #JohnMastodon best a kangaroo in a boxing match. Afterwards, he taught it how to play backgammon. I've lost 300 consecutive games of backgammon to that kangaroo.


Went into the potluck with 21 cinnamon rolls, and came home with five. I'm going to call that a success. :)

Today's Bread: Cinammon Rolls.
OMG THEY'RE AMAZING. I was worried cause of the power outage making me have to hand knead the dough and lack of counterspace making the rolls a bit thicker than they should be, but taste wise? OMFG they're GOOD.

This recipe has pecans, however, I tend to not use pecans. Feel free to add 'em if you like. The addition of marshmallow is surprising, but it works....

# Cinnamon Rolls
Luby's Recipes & Memories
24.0 rolls

1.3333333333333333 cups warm water
2.0 tablespoons active dry yeast
0.5 cup granulated sugar [rolls]
3.0 whole eggs
0.25 cup butter (melted) [rolls]
0.5 teaspoons butter (melted) [rolls]
0.3333333333333333 cup nonfat dry milk
0.5 teaspoon salt
5.0 cups all-purpose flour
vegetable oil (as needed)
0.25 cup butter (melted) [filling]
0.3333333333333333 cup granulated sugar [filling]
1.0 tablespoon ground cinnamon
0.5 cup chopped pecans
0.5 cup miniature marshmallows
1.0 pound powdered sugar
0.5 cup evaporated milk
2.0 tbsp butter (melted) [icing]
1.5 tsp butter (melted) [icing]
0.5 tsp vanilla extract

1 - In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine water, yeast and sugar.
2 - Set aside 5 minutes to allow yeast mixture to become frothy.
3 - Add eggs and butter.
4 - Using the dough hook of the electric mixer, beat on medium speed until well-blended.
5 - Add dry milk and salt. Mix well.
6 - Add flour, one cup at a time, mixing until dough begins to pull away from sides of bowl.
7 - Leaving dough in bowl, lightly grease top of dough ball with vegetable oil.
8 - Cover loosely and let rise in a warm place 1 hour or until doubled in size.
9 - Lightly grease two large baking sheets.
10 - Punch dough down and roll out on a lightly floured surface to form a rectangle.

11 - Brush butter over dough.
12 - In a small bowl, mix together sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle evenly over butter.
13 - Continue with pecans and marshmallows
14 - Roll dough up tightly, starting at long edge.
15 - Pinch dough to seal seam.
16 - Cut into portions
17 - Place, cut sides up, on baking sheets.
18 - Let rise in a warm place 1 hour.
19 - Preheat oven to 350°F
20 - Bake 20 to 22 minutes or until golden brown.

21 - Whisk together the powdered sugar, the evaporated milk, the butter for the icing and vanilla extract until smooth and creamy.
22 - Spread over warm rolls

Well...between the power outage while mixing the dough, having to hand knead it, throw it in the fridge and hope it would rise slowly (it didn't), not having enough room to roll out the down FAR more thinly, these look...........okay.

They smell fantastic, though. I ate the two small end pieces and the bread came out really good, too, despite having almost no cinnamon/sugar/marshmallow in them. That's a good sign cause that means the others will be super flavorful.

Glaze tomorrow after they cool, then off to the LGBTQIA+ Holiday Potluck with them!

Maybe after I have one more.

Update: I just realized! I've made stickybuns!

Maybe, instead of leaving my dough in the fridge to rise very slowly while I wait for the power to come on, I just leave it outside, where it's probably COLDER than the fridge.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.