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US politics, marijuana pardons 

Sooooo... How bout those sweeping presidential pardons for all prosecuted AND non-prosecuted federal marijuana use and possession charges?

After the #TransVoiceTraining app insists on allowing massive tracking or me giving google my payment-info to purchase the full version, I’ve started to write my own one. You can try it here:

All the data-processing is purely in your browser, you can literally just download /main.{html, js, css}, store them locally and open main.html in your browser; the only data that my server stores are the access-log and error-log of nginx.

Now to be very clear: I am not a good web-dev at all, this is kinda my first (depending on what you count: second) somewhat serious project that produces dynamic-websites. The code-base is also not yet cleaned up at all, so don’t be too harsh on that. Furthermore there are a lot of features and improvements that I (or someone else? you?) might add later. Aka: This is more of an open-alpha, but some of you might still find it useful.

If you have feedback or want to contribute, you can check it out here:


If you are #trans and a minor in #Missouri, the #MOleg has taken your access to transition healthcare away. (Because they're awful people with empty lives, and I'm sorry they have power over us.)

There is a program that will help connect you and your parents with gender-affirming medical care in another state, with small grants to help with travel:

#STL #KCMO #ProtectTransKids #transgender


Seriously, five seconds in, and he's just delivering 100%.

Thoughts Before Bed:

"The best thing about not knowing what I'm doing is that I don't know what I CAN'T do."

I just pulled multiple triggers on multiple projects today that will be my 2024. One of them will even be a paying one, although less a salary, and more a stipend.

I find it funny that all this happened on the solsctice, moving into 2024. 2024 is going to be a very different year than I've had before. Better? I'm hoping so. But definitely different.

Am also trying to take things for granted, and trying to appreciate things

Watched a video that uses the new Dr Who theme in it, and I kind of got wistful for the Jodie Whittaker theme. The New Who theme is very happy and flighty and fun. Jodie's is Dark and Ominous. And as a fan of the old series, I preferred Dark and Ominous.

I have a feeling Jodie's time on New Who will kind of echo Season 18/19 of Doctor Who, where we got a new producer and new script editor who decided to jettison all the slapstick and overt humor and base the show in better science and drama (and a better budget). And it was a Big Change to what came before, and arguably, the beginning of the end of the classic show.

Or, like me, you actually liked that direction for Season 18 and 19. I liked some of the changes made for Jodie's run. Sadly, it really ran out of steam super quick and Jodie was left with some lackluster stuff for her final seasons.

I almost bought these as my "fancy glasses" when I moved into the apartment back in 2021. Cause I don't care what you say, they ARE The Fancy Glasses.

we've never seen whoopsie levels like this

(100%) ■■■■■■■■■■

LB: The sheer amount of calls this generated in the NOA Call Center was frightening.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.