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If we collected what is actually owed from the top 1% in taxes, we could forgive student loans, invest more in infrastructure and green energy, protect social security and help Ukraine beat Russia. I call that multiple win-wins.

Great feature on the Mastodon software is a TEMPORARY "mute". So, if someone is getting on your nerves, you don't want to hear about a topic for a few days, etc. you can mute someone without blocking them. I love that feature!

Today let's spread the love!

@ someone in the comments who has made your Mastodon experience better, a little explanation as to why would be awesome too! You are welcome to do more than one.

For the sake of empathy, I ask you all to take a second to consider things from the perspective of Conservatives:

Inflation is out of control. Housing is unaffordable. The healthcare system is broken. Everyone is drowning in student debt. Ecosystems are collapsing. We're constantly on the brink of war.

So naturally, one would ask, how can we even hope to solve these daunting and complex issues if we do not have detailed information on the genitals of every American citizen?

@internetarchive is fighting a legal battle with publishers who struggle to understand the concept of libraries or wish they wouldn't exist.

I just made a donation to the Archive and encourage those who can and care to do the same: all donations until Dec 31st are matched by a generous anonymous donator, so now is the best time to help. It is tax-deductible in the US:

#libraries #OpenAccess #culture #DigitalPreservation #books #InternetArchive

oh hey my games are on deep discount on, and we still need all the financial help we can get in order to stay housed and fed until we can get kitsune tails out next year so buying them would be a huge help:

they're also on sale on steam:

you're so green Marvel uses you for the background of their movies

@socketwench she was Brought Across in 1959.

Given to girls for fashion and fun

Now she wants to be human again

To emerge from her world of playsets

From her endless forever beach

So I went to the grocer today to get supplies to make some apple pies, and when I got in line to check out, the cashier told me in an exasperated tone "I don't know how long this'll take. These people don't have enough to pay for their stuff and they don't speak a word of English".

I asked how much. $1.13. Their SNAP card was just over a dollar short.

When I used to work as a cashier, I was regularly a few bucks short at the end of the day for this exact reason.

I told them to just go have a good day and that I'd pay for their stuff. It was only $16 in total.

The indifference in society today makes me so sad. They needed food more than Safeway needed a dew more dollars of profit.

When I went to pay, the kiosk offered to have me round up or donate $5 to feed the hungry.

I think direct action made a bigger difference today.

Edit: to make the moral more explicit. I posted this so the next cashier who finds themselves in that situation might look the other way, or the next person in line might make it their problem *instead of* looking the other way.

Wishing everyone a merry Christmas, or if you don't celebrate, I hope that it is still a lovely, enjoyable day for you.

"Your right wing uncle"

At some point, we white people are going to have to deal with the reality that it's not one distasteful outlier. Something like a third of your relatives want to dominate, harass, and hurt people; including you if you try to stop them. And another third is happy to go along with it, if it saves them from having an awkward conversation.

edit: anyway, merry christmas, and happy new year

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.