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Help me, Dr. Internet!

I can't really get a straight answer on this, and am hoping someone out there has a good solution.

Every year, I make a huge several-terrabyte backup of my entire system. When I was on Windows, I used RAR for this. Good compression, was able to break it up in 4GB file blocks to make file access easy if I needed something off the backup or repair an archive.

I've long since moved to TAR.XZ for intermediate backups, but the access takes forever cause it's a single archive, so I've never used it for my large once-a-year-complete-backup.

That said, the question: would it be worth doing the Full Everything Backup with tar.xg over jumping into Windows to WinRAR it (Day 9023849283468923 of my 30 day trial!)? In general does RAR pack tighter than TAR.XZ? Can TAR.XZ break itself into chunks for easier access?

My update is scheduled for January 1st. Any help would be appreciated! And thanks in advance!

Saying fascists should be defeated in the marketplace of ideas is like saying rats should be defeated in the marketplace of food.

You know, in Doctor Who: The Church on Ruby Road, when they said Goblin King, you pictured something else entirely.

star trek silliness, food 

"You have the respect of the entire Klingon empire; what did you do?!"

"We brought espresso, and hot sauce."

I am baffled when people talk about "the atmosphere" on Mastodon. Here, there is no algorithm forcing posts into your feed. The atmosphere is the one you have personally curated.

1) Scan a person's feed before you follow.

2) Turn off the boosts of anyone you otherwise like who boosts stuff you don't want to see.

3) Mute anyone you don't want to hear from at all.

4) Filter out words/phrases you don't want to see (you will have to do much less of this if you do the first three steps right).

Several bridge displays in #StarTrekProdigy season 1 (here "Lost and Found"↗️↙️) feature a variant of the Starfleet Command division star. This logo was also part of a very early Star Trek Prodigy show logo ↘️, replacing the letter "I".

Every year thousands of Santas crawl out of their hive, depositing presents in exchange for sugar which they bring back to their queen.

Due to the extremely large number of basic functions "systemd" has usurped from other parts of the OS, a natural and interesting project would be to see if systemd can now exist independently apart from Linux, or rather, to ascertain what is the most minimal alternate kernel that could serve as a life support system for successfully running systemd. Since calling this "System System" would be absurd, the most logical name for such a project would be "d OS", or "DOS". In this Mastodon post I will

In 2022, Tom Lehrer released all his songs, lyrics and works to the public domain, an amazing move. While checking on the site, I found out he silently released more material in September of 2023 - a DAT tape of his work with an orchestra and some solo piano takes that are not elsewhere. If you're a Lehrer fan, quite a surprise.

What was the BEST thing that happened to you in 2023?

Please reply and then boost the question. We hear so much negativity about this year. What is one positive thing that happened to you?

1000 richest people are approched. "The end of the world is here. Time to go to your doomsday bunker", they are told. The billionaires nodded. They knew this was coming. They were prepared.

So they gathered their loved ones and locked themselves in luxury bunkers. No contact to outside world.

10 years later they emerge. The world has healed. The air is breathable, people are happy. "What was the catastrophy?" they ask the first person they meet.

She screams: "THEY GOT OUT!!!"


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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.