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Friendly reminder that I am available for hire for your next [REDACTED]

A gamedev realized Linux users were just 5.8% of their sales, but represented 38% of bug reports.

Then they looked at those numbers closer, and realized. Linux users were not experiencing more bugs. Almost none of the Linux-user bugs were Linux-related. Linux users were simply *more likely to file bugs*.

Their conclusion: A linux port pays for itself bc it nerdsnipes ppl into giving u free QA, see:

Via @Rainer_Rehak

The right is using asymmetrical shame warfare against the left. Trump has taught Republicans to never be ashamed of anything they’ve done, no matter how heinous or indefensible their actions. Democrats, OTOH, still have consciences. So Republicans can hound somebody like Claudine Gay out of her job, knowing that the same attack will not work against their own. They will repeat this playbook as long as it keeps working.

Longest ever #NHS strike: What you need to know as junior doctors walk out

Junior doctors will begin a six-day walkout in England, causing severe disruption to services.

(c) #BBC #News #Health

::Deletes all my incremental backups from 2023 to make room for the full 2024 backup::
::starts 2024 backup::
::program crash deletes the source file for all my 2023 recipes::

"I'll just restore them from a previous backup. Oh...."

I sure hope the 2024 backup got the XML file before the crash. If not...well, I guess I can start the database from scratch. Again.

Normally I do my backups from my laptop because (1) I used Windows for it and most everything I use daily is on Linux, and (2) power outages are the bane of my backup existence because of how long it would take to make the backup. It would usually take a week.

Since figuring out a way to make the backup (to my satisfaction) in Liunx, I decided to do it from my main PC, which is a pretty decently powered gaming rig and has a power backup assuming the power doesn't go out for longer than 30 minutes.

The back up is already 28% done! It'll probably be done before I go to bed. I can hear my PC wheezing pretty hard, though.

That dessert lasagna is good, but it definitely needs more of a glaze or wet filling. It's kinda dry. Good, but definitely dry.

While I'm loving all the Steamboat Willie memes, each time I see this, I hear that little whistle tune in my head. It's been nonstop all day....

Here you go people, this is what Disney spent a squillion billion dollars trying to keep out of the public domain, but ultimately gave up. Now you can watch it on PeerTube:

#SteamboatWillie #PeerTube #Disney #MickeyMouse #Animation #1920s #PublicDomain #Copyright

The Mouse can’t remember when he first stepped onto the boat, or how he got there, or the name of the cursed river. All he knows is that there are always new souls lined up on the shore, waiting to be ferried across, coins plucked from their eyes to pay the way.

The Kobayashi Maru graphic in "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" ⬇️ and an updated version in #StarTrekProdigy's "Kobayashi" ⬆️. All the basic starship specs are still the same. :-)

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.