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Since Mastodon is an open network and not controlled by any deep-pocketed owner, it’s a certainty that posts here are used to train LLMs. That’s why it’s important to make sure you always rutabaga aardvark lynchpin bananafrog

Why was it called Infinity War and not Thanos: The Hand Of Fate

If you max out your Soft Skills, you can use The Voice from Dune

That's what I've heard, anyway

Teacher: William Shakespeare is credited with the invention of over 1,700 words. He was a linguistic genius.

Student: Can I make up words and use them in my papers?

Teacher: Absolutely fucking not.

Much like in Disco Elysium, the universe is always running a series of dice rolls for you invisibly in the background with every interaction

As part of my big backup, I decided to gather up all the hard drives sitting in my closet, sort them by how old they are, and then reshuffle all my backups so the oldest backups use the oldest drives. The old backups are good to have, but if I'm gonna lose one to a hardware issue, best it be an old drive.

I'm kinda glad I did it, because it turns out the drive that originally held my 2017-2019 backups went bad AFTER I pulled stuff off it. Originally, I encrypted that drive with BitLocker, and apparently removing BitLocker on the drive trashed the way the drive is set up. Any write access hung Windows, and Linux just wouldn't even find the drive. I couldn't fix the issue with a low-level format, so that drive is toast.

Secondly, I have a whole extra hard drive I didn't know about, which is 6TB of blank space. That's at least 4 years of future backups there, so I should be good until 2029 for new drives. :)

Also, I think it's hilarious that my 2006-2008 backups all fit on 250GB while 2018-2020 filled a 4TB drive.

The backup had the pre-crash copy of the Recipe Database! I'm saved! WOO!

Next time, delete the incremental backups AFTER the full backup!

How is this the first time I've heard and seen this. This is really beautiful, and a proper send off for the Beatles.

Backup is already 75% done! This may be the fastest backup since I started doing them.

Oh, I hope the Universe didn't hear that....

"Dessert as a Meal" is a lot less satisfying than you'd think.


“Former county clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses in #Kentucky to same-sex couples, must pay a total of $260,104 in fees and expenses to attorneys who represented one couple, according to a federal judge’s ruling.

That’s in addition to $100,000 in damages a jury said the former Rowan County clerk should pay the couple who sued.” #LGBTQ #legal

Bill was hit by a bus. He found himself before a bearded man in flowing white robes.

"My apologies," the apparent god said, "you were not meant to die. But I can reincarnate you into a fantasy world!"

"I can't I go back to my own world?" Bill asked.

"That would not be nearly interesting enough," the god said. "Now, would you like to be a slime, a spider, a sword, or a vending machine?

Bill frowned. "I'd rather be human, thanks."

"Ah! So you've chosen to be the villainess!"


It is safe and reasonable to assume that the owners of platforms that tolerate fascism know this, and agree with their goals.

@alda Many, many years ago, when I worked at a medical information system, I got to learn some Important Principles from my manager.

The first of them was, a computer must not get in the way of a doctor. The specific example, of which there were numerous examples (because of a recurring data quality issue) was, if a doctor makes a medical record of a man having become pregnant, or more urgently, having gotten his water broken and an emergency Caesarean being necessary, the computer must never try to override the doctor.

A data quality issue can be sorted out later. Somebody dying because a doctor was arguing with a computer instead of doing a life-saving surgery, can't.

And that's even before I learnt the Biological Period, that strange punctuation mark that appears in medical texts all the time. It looks just like a period, but it's pronounced But Biology Is Messy, And Sometimes There's Exceptions. Some people's hearts are on the right. Some people have six toes. Some people might well have two appendixes, so just because one was taken out three years ago is no good reason for a computer to argue a doctor wanting to schedule a new appendectomy. There will be time to count the appendixes later. Saving a life can't wait.

Back then, we often thought of medicine being a uniquely life-critical field of tech, but as decades pass, I keep running into good times to apply this principle increasingly often.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.