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Woke up this morning like I've been on-and-off for the last two or three months. I wake up with my chest and throat hurting like I have the flu or something (right down to coughing up junk and headache)...but after about thirty minutes, I'm absolutely fine.

I actually took a covid test knowing that feeling would "go away" pretty quickly, and it came out clean as usual.

Wish I knew what was up with that. It's almost like "I get sick at night, but I'm cured just after waking up."

Decades ago, I was involved with the SFIBM program modding "Scene." Today, someone made a video playing SFJenn and mentioning "I'd hate to lose all this SFIBM stuff to time."

Well, I still have all my archives from back then, with all my files and even testbeds. Why not share it on the Internet Archive for posterity?

So, if you're at all interested in theold SFIBM scene, and everything involved with it, it's up for as long as the Internet Archive is. Enjoy!

While it may be for a female alien civilization at war with its men, I'm glad to see Lisa Hayes managed to find employment after that whole SDF-2 debacle on Earth.

I think the biggest thing I learned about in 2023, was the there is an Air Bud franchise for some reason.

::Wakes up in my chair after passing out for two hours::

I was wondering when I'd pay for last night's bad sleep.

Jenn: ::goes to bed::
Jenn's Body: "NO SLEEP. ONLY TIRED."

There's a "game" called Telehack.

If you're unfamiliar with it, it's a simulation, or possibly a experiment, or a giant fucking rabbit hole, or just a singularity where time works funny.

Anyway, it's "set" in the Old Internet, it's text-based, and you explore remote systems and collect information, and discover hidden things and it's fun.

What's more fun though, is aside from the game-related clues and information is that the whole thing is seeded with real documents and posts from the era.

So, I just "broke into" a BBS in Texas and found a text file a friend of mine wrote in 1992.

Check it out.

The hero Polish hackers who fixed DRM-bricked trains have explained how they did it. There was DRM that killed power to trains and broke compressors if trains had been to independent repair yard. One train was also programmed to arbitrarily break on December 21, which actually happened two weeks ago:

Join the Second Life Cycling Federation and Race For A Cure! The event launch and first lap is on January 6th at 1pm PT and the big race is on January 20th at 1pm PT. All proceeds go directly to the American Cancer Society.

Register soon ➡️

#SecondLife #virtualworld #metaverse #FeaturedEvents #RelayForLife #RFLSL #ACSSL #RaceForACure

Oxford's 2023 Word of the Year is "rizz". For the less hip out there, this is slang for risotto.

Example: "I hate it when chefs try to make rizz on cooking competitions. These are trained culinary professionals, they should know it takes a long time to cook rizz properly."

A month ago I found a cute meme on the internet that I thought would look excellent on my office wall. The bottom of the image said “National Park Service” and some quick image searches found it was originally from the nationalparkservice Instagram account, part of a promotional series to encourage park safety. But Instagram resizes things for the web. So, of course, I did what any internet weirdo would do; I filed a DOI FOIA request for the original artwork. Today the DOI found it for me!

"The universe generally fails to be a fairy tale....But that's where we come in!"

Basically, that's it, that's the show. #DoctorWho

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.