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The library's aura was old and powerful, thrumming comfortingly.

It was about to open its doors for the first time.

I placed my hand on the painted cement wall, "Hello oldnew friend, how're you?"


"I'm not vast," I said.

"That can be fixed."

"By reading, I know."

"Good. I am books, and you were made to read."

"What's it like, to be read?"

"Like having an itch you can't reach scratched."

The doors opened, and I entered.

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #UrbanFantasy

Ascend to godhood in your spare time! Course available for 4 easy payments of $999.95

I got hit with a wave of this:

💠 It's also the fault of the Democrats
💠People who think that we have time for slow progress are privileged
💠Voting doesn't help. We voted in 2020 and 2022 and the Democrats Did Nothing.

They seem to come out in election years, almost like a stealth campaign to elect Republicans.

I assume that there are people in that wave who are genuinely confused, but ignorance can also be dangerous.

It worked in 2000. Blaming the Dems helped elect George W.

I block them.

An unseasonably warm January rain shower gave way to probably the most pronounced rainbow I’ve ever seen. Weird winter #weather in #Boston so far

Sea ice frost flowers: These delicate, spiky ice crystals form on young sea ice in extremely cold, calm conditions. They're created when moisture from the seawater rises into the frigid air and condenses around imperfections in the ice surface. As more water vapor freezes, the crystals grow outwards, forming intricate, branching structures that can reach several centimeters in height.

From naturedixe (, videos assembled out of real footage and synthesized machine-video.

"Is this real?" XJC99 asked. He'd been fooled before.

"Test it yourself," replied the bookseller. "Printed in 1953 - over four hundred years ago, well before the Artificial Age."

XJC99 tentatively touched the paper with his appendage. Carbon-14 dating verified the claim.

"I'll take it!" exclaimed XJC99.

Back at his flat he unwrapped the treasure and stared. Another addition to his collection! The rarest of all rarities - real words written by an actual human!


My friend who left Indonesia in the 90s after being assaulted at a bus stop for being gay, only just got his green card *now* after 30 years. He finally fell in love with someone who wanted to marry him, and could. For 30 years, he could not go anywhere. His entire family passed on and he could not see them.

I think so much about visas, queerness, oppression in a trans-national manner. It’s not just foreign policy or immigration policy to me. It’s lived experience for me and everyone I know.

I am eating a dinner of hot wings and tater tots. If I die of eating badly, please do not blame the air fryer. She does not know what she does.

The Video on Demand of today's game stream is now up. Listen to me blame everything but myself for my bad performance at platformers:

Hey, remember those Twitch Streams I used to do? We're gonna do another one. In fact, i'm hoping we're going to do a lot of them.

Come watch me flail away at Mario vs. Donkey Kong at the top of the hour. 7PM Pacific 10PM Eastern.

Reminder to those in the Pacific Northwest with negative temperatures, check your hummingbird feeders. I forgot last night and mine are frozen through. The hummingbirds are hovering about confusedly. Sorry my bird friends!

#vancouver #vancouverbc #bcstorm #hummingbirds #brrrr #pnw #birder #birdlover

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.