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Linux distributions have done an absolutely astonishing job at organizing large amounts of volunteer labor

in most cases, software publishers don't have to do anything at all to take advantage of that labor. if they want stuff to happen faster all they really need to do is talk to somebody, which we would hope is easy since it's the publisher who has paid staff and all that

maybe, like, take volunteers up on their efforts to help instead of trying to subvert the process?

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Someone asked, probably rhetorically, "Who has 12 kids in this day and age??"

I'm gonna answer anyway: the people who have 12 kids in the USA in the 21st century are religious fundamentalists whose ideologies are so unpopular that their best option for spreading their beliefs is to indoctrinate children from birth in isolation from the rest of the world.

Now you know.

Sensible, human me: work is frustrating today and a lot of things are chaotic. You should breathe, keep a level head, and carefully address everything people need with measured, chosen replies. Be considerate of people's emotions and overreactions, tread lightly while keeping others calm.

Fox me: you should pee on all of this and then leave.

Not my thing but...Fox-Me might be onto something there.

I guess in the mean time if anybody's got a line on a good trans friendly primary care doctor in the Las Vegas area let me know?

[Thoughts Before Bed]

I can give as good as I get. Don't forget that, Jenn.

I'm watching the MST3K version of "The Last Chase." When I was a kid, I absolutely loved this movie. Imagined it was 1980s me taking a cross country trip with my dad, which I ended up doing in 2012.

Watching it now, it's a terrible movie. Not in an incompetently made movie way, but as a conservative blockbuster. No one is allowed cars anymore, everyone uses public transit, which allows you to be tracked by the government, news is suppressed, and the most terrible of all: A woman runs the government. One man runs off to "Free California" where everyone has cars and freedom while the government chases him down to suppress information about his escape and freedom.

It's a shitty movie in 2024, and not in the way MST3K is famous for.

I am doing what I did today because I did something I didn't want to do to do something I wanted to do forever that I ended up not doing after all. And I'm apparently doing it well.

When Hubble captured this image in 1999, it revealed one of only 100 known polar-ring galaxies. Its unusual structure may be caused by the collision of two galaxies:

an air conditioner doesn't "make the air colder," strictly speaking. technically, it moves the heat from the inside air to the outside air.

similarly, a light bulb doesn't "emit light." it sucks up the darkness and puts it outside. that's why it's dark at night, because people have their lights on inside.

Tony Hawk: I'd like to turn myself in for murder.

Cop: Are you Tony Hawk?

Tony Hawk: Yes.

Cop: If you're Tony Hawk where's your skateboard?

Tony Hawk, holding up a blood-soaked skateboard: It dug right into his skull. I am a monster

Cop: You look a little old to be Tony Hawk

Condé Nast Union Members Launch 24-Hour Walkout Amid Layoff Talks

From the other site:

Starting at midnight EST for 24 hours, DON’T CROSS OUR CLICK-IT LINE, that means no clicks, likes, reshares on:

GQ ❌
Vanity Fair ❌
Bon Appétit ❌
Architectural Digest ❌
Vogue ❌
Allure ❌
Glamour ❌
Epicurious ❌
Self ❌
Condé Nast Traveler ❌
Them ❌
Teen Vogue ❌

[Note that other Condé Nast-owned media sites like New Yorker, Wired, etc have their own unions so aren't part of this.]

That which doesn’t kill you still makes you pretty upset about the attempt

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.