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Sometimes it's worth paying a few dollars extra for excellence.

Avalanche of good news! My insurance, after I threw a ton of documentation at them, is covering my spinal injections. AND my Tremfya is finally getting sorted out and should be here Tuesday.

Yeah, yeah, eighty three million dollars. Wake me up when we see jail time or he's destitute.

I loved the design of the aquatic alien species seen early in the #StarTrekProdigy episode "Asylum". It's wonderful how particularly the animated #StarTrek series can give us truly alien species. 👌

Join the party at #Burn2 - the festival of community, art, and fire that brings the culture and cool of #BurningMan to #SecondLife

Attend their #WinterBurn 2024 which runs from January 26th through the 28th.

Teleport now:

The thing about apps like mIRC, ICQ, and Winamp is that they felt like they were made by people who used them. Apps today feel like they were designed by a committee looking at a spreadsheet.

When an app is missing basic features and still pesters me whenever I open it to try some new AI bullshit, I wonder if the PM got the promotion they were going for.

That’s one of the things I like about open source apps. Even if they’re less polished, you can feel they are made by people who use them.

Amazon seems to have (quietly) gone back on its promise not to sell facial recognition to law enforcement.

Remember: temporary corporate beneficence is not a substitute for real laws to protect people. Ban it.

The sponsor of the anti-trans bathroom bill in Utah said, and I quote that she was "trying to make it illegal for a naked man to be in a bathroom with an 8-year old girl”.

I'm going to therefore ask. If you've ever been in a public bathroom, how many naked men have you seen with 8-year old girls?

#trans #LGBTQIA #Utah #Hate

Drawing truth tables in sidewalk chalk with my son. "That's a NOT gate, I know that from #Minecraft!". Remember, talk to your children about logic gates before someone else does.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.