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I love how Trek is all about diplomacy and making enemies into friends and then they have episodes where the violence is indeed the answer

I find it odd that online #autism screening quizzes don’t ask questions about the questions. For instance:

“Did you spend an inordinate amount of time on these questions because you felt they lacked context or the answers didn’t have sufficient nuance?”

“Did you almost give up because you were asked to give an answer that represented a totality of your experience and it gave you anxiety?”

I don’t know. I’m not an expert, but these seem like important questions.

For example, you may not notice that you've used a word other than the one you intended ...

TikTok auto captions for Star Trek always use Kardashian instead Cardassian and it makes the clips so much better.

"A historic new study out of Scotland shows the real-world impact of vaccines against the human papillomavirus: The country has detected no cases of cervical cancer in women born between 1988-1996 who were fully vaccinated against HPV between the ages of 12 and 13."

Vaccines work!

#cancer #cervicalcancer #primarycare #prevention #vaccine #immunizations #vaccineswork

Do I know anyone with any experience with crosswalk murals and the maintenance of them, especially in high snow/road salt areas? A local group is pushing for some in high accident areas in our community but the city won’t approve a plan for one without a maintenance plan, and so far my group leader hasn’t heard back from other groups who’ve done it.

This Week's Meal: Meat and Rice Bowl (Redux)

I decide to try the Meat and Rice Bowl recipe again cause I wasn't happy about how the rice came out (very risotto-ish), and the chilli paste, while good, made the meal taste different than what I wanted.

This time, I took out the chilli paste, and made the rice according to my usual recipe and added some extra sauce.


Here's the updated recipe. The Chili Paste is still in the recipe cause maybe you'll like it. I prefer it without.

# Meat and Rice Bowl
Legend's Cookbook
9.0 servings

1.0 pounds top sirloin steak (thinly sliced)
0.5 cup soy sauce
1.0 tbsp toasted sesame oil
0.75 cup mirin
1.0 tbsp fresh ginger (minced)
3.0 cloves garlic (minced)
2.0 tbsp brown sugar
2.0 tbsp chili paste
3.0 whole scallions (garnish)
pickled red onion (garnish)
1.0 tsp vegetable oil
1.0 tsp sesame seeds
1.0 cup short grain asian rice
1.3333333333333333 cups water (for rice cooking)

1 - In a large bowl, mix soy sauce, sesame oil, mirin, ginger, garlic, brown sugar and chili paste.
2 - Add the thinly sliced steak making sure to coat well. Refrigerate for at least one hour (or overnight).
3 - When ready to cook, add fresh, cool water to a bowl and gently wash the rice in a circular motion with your hands. Discard the water and repeat three or four times until the water that drains off is mostly clear.
4 - In a large pot, add the rice, and then fill with the amount of water listed in the ingredients. Cover and bring to a boil over high heat. Do not remove cover.
5 - Once the water is boiling, turn the head down to medium. Wait five minutes.
6 - Turn the heat down to low. Wait five minutes.
7 - Remove pot from heat, Wait five minutes.
8 - Fluff the rice using a fork or wooden paddle.
9 - Remove steak from the marinade and pat dry to remove excess.
10 - In a pan on high heat, add vegetable oil. Once hot, add steak and cook 1 to 2 minutes on each side. You want to hear a nice sizzle and see a good golden brown color!
11 - Add cooked rice to bowl and top with meat.
12 - If you'd like extra sauce, take the rest of the marinade, and cook on high until reduced to a runny syrup. Add the syrup before adding the rest of the garnishes.
13 - Garnish with sesame seeds, pickled onions, and scallions.

9 servings at ~37.5g carbs per serving
Calories 264
Total Fat 3g
Total Carbohydrate 36g
Protein 16g

The new Sci FI Theater lineup:

10:30 The Tomorrow People (1970s)
11:00 Star Trek: The Next Generation
12:00 Babylon 5

Had an awesome night of doing art with Crystal. Hadn't done that in a long time.

Back in the day, when we lived in Redmond, and before that, when we were in Bellevue, we had a dedicated art room, where we, along with Lissa and Liz would just art. For hours on end. The energy of artists bouncing off each other, encouraging each other, listening to each other, was amazing.

I've missed that.

Still dialing in the doneness of the waffle (and the amount of batter), but it's totally a waffle. Tastes great, and makes me feel terrible after eating it.

Cinnamon Rolls Try #3:

I GOT ONE THAT LOOKS LIKE A LEGIT CINNAMON ROLL. The others....well...they'll taste great.

A couple of things I did this time: I rolled them MUCH looser, which I think helped the insides rise a bit more. I also pushed them down once I had them in the bread loaf pan.

I think the next time, I may cut them into "Strips" and THEN roll them (loosely) individually.

We're getting there!

Tonight's Dr Who was "The Family of Blood." I still think that Jeremy Baines' "Son of Mine" is one of the most quietly creepily unhinged scary villains in Doctor Who.

Good news: The air fryer really works at reheating fried chicken WONDERFULLY.

Bad News: It does not make bad fried chicken any better.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.