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Got confirmation that my tremfya is on it's way, and that I owe nothing on the long standing medical bills. FINALLY.

You know it's been chaotic in the kitchen when you have load bearing dishes and mixing bowls.

I really need to check my freezer more often. I went out and bought some milk for the waffles and cream for the cinnamon rolls...only to forget I had them frozen in my freezer.

It's gonna take me YEARS to burn through that half gallon of frozen milk, now....

Okay, that meat and rice bowl? ::chef's kiss::

Huh. Hit all my goals for the day. Got some time to sit back and relax.

Oh, crap, I hope the Universe didn't hear that.

Oof, just heard about a massive dick move scenario for corporations that somehow hadn't occurred to me before:

1) Mandatory Return to Office
2) Employee moves to be near office
3) Employee is laid off

Like, seriously, fuck these companies into the sun

Tonight's movie is C.H.O.M.P.S.. Because I have had it too good these last few days.

@AzulCrescent I had this talk with a trans girl who'd just started her transition, about how she needed to eat well because she was going through a second puberty and wouldn't want to starve her body of resources.

Miles: When I don’t know what something is I turn it off. And then someone yells at me and I know what it does.

US Economists gloating that it's "as if COVID never happened at all" because share prices are up and I don't think it could be any clearer that Human Life is not actually valued in Western societies and that's why we're all fucking miserable.

This is the ideal resting position

You may not like it, but this is what peak relaxation looks like

#cats #catsofmastodon

need to start keeping a list of all the times some big supposed display of bleeding edge technology turns out to just be A Guy


@theogrin 💯 transitioning gave me a foundation of feeling like I could hope to have a future I care about. I’ve still had to do the work in therapy and with my health and fitness and everything else. Transition didn’t fix every problem I had, it just made it feel like it was worth it to live

I love how Trek is all about diplomacy and making enemies into friends and then they have episodes where the violence is indeed the answer

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.