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The worst chess bot in the world played a hallucinating large language model. Wacky hijanks ensued. I was laughing so hard.

For the Chess Masters out there: ChatGPT plays chess with Martin Bot. Just....just keep with it.

My mom bought a lot of cauliflower heads because they were on sale and she put them all in the basement cuz it's cold, but because I guess she didn't find a lot of cauliflower sized spaces, they're just kind of everywhere, on top of shelves, next to some books, on a table, etc... today she told me to get all the cauliflowers and take them up but she didn't tell me where she put them all, so I'm in the basement with a box looking for cauliflower on every bookshelf, table, floor, behind things, just making sure I didn't miss anything, and I'm like "years of playing hidden object puzzles really prepared me for this"

"fuck you, do it scared" is getting a lot of mileage for me these days

I don't know why restrooms are so fucking hard.

Solution for restroom problems via politics when your business doesn't have the funds/space to redo it:

1. Put up a Round Bathroom sign with a man, woman, child inside it on all restrooms. If people seem confused, a nameplate that says "Unisex Bathroom" should straighten it up. If not, you got smart customers.
2. Install a door lock (one sided with a service pin release in case someone locks themselves in and doesn't respond), and sufficient amenities for any biological need for anyone at any age.
3. There is no step 3.

Men who need to go and the traditional 'Men's Room' being occupied can simply use the other one. Women don't need to rush while using an empty men's room in fear that a man is waiting when she's through. If there's baby stations, any bathroom can be a family bathroom if you lock the door. Bathroom has a tampon dispenser and a 'men can' next to your toilet? If you don't have the associated parts, simply ignore them.

This Week's Meals: Ekadasee Kotu Aloo Pakora

For something with a complicated name, it's a pretty plain meal. Basically deep fried plain potatoes. Sadly, I think this is a very barebones recipe, designed to give you the basic pakora, and you're expected to add extra spices to taste. Which I didn't do.

Salted deepfried potatoes. Not bad. Not terribly good, either. Maybe I'll go a little more crazy on the spices next time.

# Buckwheat Flour Potato Fritters (Ekadasee Kotu Aloo Pakora)

Lord Krishna's Cuisine: The Art of Indian Vegetarian Cooking

1.0 cup buckwheat flour
0.5 tbsp black pepper
0.5 tsp salt
0.25 cup cilantro (finely chopped)
1.25 cup water
3.0 whole russet potatoes (boiled for 10 minutes)
0.25 tsp baking powder
vegetable oil

1 - Combine the flour, pepper, salt and fresh herbs in a mixing bowl and mix well.
2 - Add most of water and, working with a whisk, beat into a smooth batter.
3 - Add the remaining water (you may need more or less than the stated amount) and continue whisking until the batter is the consistency of cream.
4 - Cover and set aside for at least 20 minutes.
5 - When the potatoes are cool enough to handle, peel and slice each one on the diagonal into 8 coins.
6 - Stir the batter, add the baking powder, and stir again.
7 - Pour ghee or vegetable oil to a depth of 2 inches (5 cm) in a deep-frying pan over moderate heat until it reaches 355°F (180°C) on a thermometer.
8 - Put a few slices of potato in the batter and cover them completely.
9 - One at a time, lower each slice of batter-coated potato into the hot oil. Fry as many slices as will float on the surface of the oil without touching.
10 - Maintaining the oil at between 345°-355°F (173°-180°C), fry on both sides, using a fork to turn the fritters, until reddish-gray and crisp.
11 - As the fritters color, remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. Continue to dip and fry until all of the potatoes and batter have been used.
12 - Keep an eye on the consistency of the batter; it quickly thickens near heat. You may have to add water from time to time so you do not run short.

5 servings at ~37.5g carbs per serving.
Calories 183
Total Fat 0g
Total Carbohydrate 40g
Protein 5g

Original recipe called for 6 servings.

yes, actually, i will shame anyone who enables the election of a fascist with dictatorial aspirations who transparently brags about how he will unleash even more genocide.

biden sucks, but voting third party or non-participation is a vote for fascism in this cycle. yes, biden’s handling of the palestine crisis is atrocious, but trump’s handling will be worse. and trump will genocide many of the people who are protesting loudest for a ceasefire.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.