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For someone who is currently unemployed, THIS SURE HAS BEEN A BUSY TWO WEEKS. O_o;


(She said after two hours of struggling, but succeeding, to get it working in Linux)

Super thanks to @jeff who helped fund the majority of this. :)

Nothing I like more than a plate of Rye and Geds with Two Lagers.

::Sets alarm for 9:30AM::
::Wakes up to pee at 8:30AM::
::Brain and body decide NO SLEEP NAO::
::Body desperately wants to sleep at 9:45AM::

So I deep fried the pakora in oil. But I reheated them using the air fryer.

Lemme tell ya, after I saw those results, I love that air fryer. :)

It's nice to know that when the meat body fights me, the digital body simply is.

Cryptid sighting

Wanted to know if I had games on my phone

AI, Chat GPT, GPT, Art Theft, 

So, I need to vent.

I've had four different people send me AI art in the last week, and I want to ask you, personally, to do me a favor.


It might be a quick and dirty way to generate what *feels* like new art, but it's actually not. It's trained on art generated by real artists, using datasets that are often merely scrapes of online content.

That online content is often scraped with little to no regard for copyright. In short, AI is often trained by stealing art from real artists, then copying their ideas and styles in the process.

If you want art, be it a photo, or more traditional art, there are three options.

1) Buy the art - commission someone to make it for you. Buying the art doesn't have to be monetary - it could be a trade of something you have for something the artist wants, but the important thing is that you BOTH AGREE to exchange something for art.

2) Do it yourself - You are more creative than you think.

3) Use freely-available rights-cleared art under the latest GPL

come back when you're a little

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.