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Feeling down because everyone on social media is funnier than you? Don't despair. Instead, find the funniest person you know and eat them. Devouring another human won't transfer their sense of humor to you or anything, but it will give you one less funny person to compete with.

"How dare you expect to live without your every second micromanaged and monetized by capitalism? Freedom's overrated anyway!"

This goes out to my fellow trans girls...

But where is the best place online for a trans femme to get sexy lingerie?



“Subscription” doesn’t feel like an accurate word for all the stuff we subscribe to.

When you cancel a magazine subscription, Time doesn’t come and take all the issues back.

When you cancel a Hulu subscription, you can’t watch the show for which you’ve been paying for months or years.

Do you like your Spotify library? Hope you’re ok with paying for it for the rest of your life.

What do we call these? “Service plans”? “Rentscriptions”?

Testing the new tablet. It's got a few little issues I'll need to get used to.

I usually make ewach panel at 3300x3300, but this tablet is TOO sensitive and if I grow my pen size to get thicker lines, it "quivers," where the thickness is not even. I can probably compensate by dropping the resolution by half cause these lines are too thin.

The detail though and responsiveness? OFF THE FREAKING WALL. This is the first tablet that feels like I'm drawing with my old pens. I get that "scraggly" texture when I ink hair, the line thickness is varies enough to look good instead of like a coloring book.

The only think that kills me is that the tablet's only comfortable drawing angle directly puts my cieling light behind my head, making a halo all around the tablet.

But other than thgat, I'm very happy with this tablet. VERY happy.


Ordered chips and queso and a burrito bowl with steak and rice and red sauce from Chipotle.

This is all I got. All of it. Not even touched yet. They didn't just miss items, they straight up missed half the bowl.

That's some real bullshit Chipotle. Uber refunded my money, but this is just straight up bullshit.

Playing with the tablet and it's pressure sensitivity after getting some extension cords....


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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.