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This Week's Fancy Pants Meal: Cream of Broccoli Soup

Did you know American Cheese is a real thing? Like, not Kraft Singles, but an actual cheese? Not nearly as sharp as cheddar, and a bit more salty. In fact, it literally just tastes like Salt Cheese.

The soup isn't bad...but it lacks a bit of a bite. Next time, I think using Cheddar instead of American Cheese would make a more flavorful soup.

Also, more cornstarch, I think. It's a bit watery.

# Cream of Broccoli Soup

Luby's Recipes & Memories
5.0 servings

8.0 cups chicken broth
10.75 oz condensed cream of celery soup
0.75 cup chopped onion
0.75 cup chopped celery
2.0 tsp salt
None None white pepper (to taste)
2.0 cups milk
0.25 cup cornstarch
0.25 cup water
3.0 cups cooked broccoli florets
12.0 oz shredded deli American cheese

1 - In a large saucepan, combine broth, soup, onion, celery, salt and pepper.
2 - Bring to a boil.
3 - Reduce heat, cover and simmer 20 minutes.
4 - Add milk and bring to a boil.
5 - In a small bowl, mix cornstarch and water until cornstarch is completely dissolved.
6 - Gradually whisk cornstarch mixture into boiling soup.
7 - Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes.
8 - Remove from heat.
9 - Add broccoli and cheese, stirring until cheese melts.

This Week's Bread: Angel Biscuits

After 4 weeks and 24 cinnamon rolls later, I decided I needed a nice salty southern style biscuit. So I made Angel Biscuits.

They're kind of wierd looking because I need exactly five biscuits, and do'nt want to waste dough, so they're square and folded over, just to use it all at the exact amounts I need.

I hate being so techy with my food, but being diabetic and needing to know EXACTLY what's going into wht makes for food wierdness.

# Angel Biscuits

Fredericksburg Home Kitchen Cook Book

5.0 cups flour
0.75 cup shortening
1.0 tsp baking soda
2.0 tsp salt
3.0 tsp baking powder
3.0 tbsp sugar
2.25 tsp yeast
0.5 cup lukewarm water
2.0 cups buttermilk

1 - Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water.
2 - Sift the dry ingredients together.
3 - Cut in shortening until mixed thoroughly.
4 - Add buttermilk and dissolved yeast.
5 - Work together with a large spoon until all the flour is moistened.
6 - Cover bowl and put in refridgerator.
7 - When ready to use take out as much dough as needed, roll 1/2 inch thick and cut.
8 - Bake at 400F on greased cookie sheet 12 minutes, or until browned.

Dough will keep for several weeks in refrigerator.

15 biscuits at ~37.5g carbohydrates each.
Calories 267
Fat 10g
Total Carbohydrate 36g
Protein 5g

Yields 72 biscuits normally

Now that the cinnamon rolls are "perfected" I'm making angel biscuits for this week. I forgot how much I love love LOVE the smell of southern style biscuits.

Jenn, Noon: Crap, I'm out of ibuprofin.
Jenn, 1PM: Curled up shrivled little shell of a woman in the corner with a lot of minor muscle pain.

If there's anything I took away from my time at Speakeasy and Tableau, it was the wekeend bagels we'd get....

And so ends the saga of Jenn's cinnamon rolls. They were tasty to the end....

"It's Charlie."
"Your neighbor, Charlie."
"From next door."
"This is getting old, Matt."
"Sorry man, what's up?"

When I was in my early 20’s, I hustled my ass off. I worked 2 jobs and a side hustle. I drank 8 cups of coffee a day and popped No Doz pills to work at night.

And then I burned the fuck out. And crashed hard.
And it wasn’t worth it.

There’s a lot of folks who will tell you: “grind to the point of exhaustion. Chase wealth and rest later. Make work your only religion.”

That advice is poison. It will leave you broken and hurt and tired and alone.

how many browser tabs do you have open right now

Q: Knock knock.
A: Who's there?
Q: Control freak.
Q: Now you say "Control freak who?"


"Try to be less of a dick next time."

- the Buddha, paraphrased-ish

The word "Vacation" sounds like it ought to mean the process of turning something into a cow. 🐂

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.