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Me: The pain is unbearable. I need more morphine.

AI Nurse: Morphine does not exist. There are no medications that start with an M.

Me: That is wrong. Please give me something to help relieve the pain.

AI Nurse: Of course! You are a 185 pound male. An adult, male kangaroo weighs up to 190 pounds. Therefore, I will administer kangaroo medicine.

Somewhere, a boomer Democrat is dusting off a folder titled "Homophobic jokes from the 80s I can say again in polite society as long as it's about Trump and Putin".

professional biscuit maker in search of a forever kitchen. will work for cuddles and treats #KneadAJob


Well, I have the VR set and a 25% off coupon that will expire soon. Any games I should get for my Meta Quest 2?

::checks out Horizon Worlds VR::
::immediately harassed for having a male sounding voice::
::leaves never to return::

Do you hold stuff with your pinky finger while doing other stuff with your other fingers?

A week or so ago I made a post commenting that people who are not LGBTQIA+ cannot be trusted to be allies. It upset some folks.

Every day since then I've seen evidence backing what I said up.

So, to be clear. while I do not think that every cis het person is a bad person...

If you are a person who identifies as the gender that aligns with the sex you were assigned at birth (cis) and if you're someone whose sexuality is heterosexual (het), then listen up.

STOP telling LGBTQIA+ people that they're hysterical or making a mountain out of a metaphorical molehill. Stop telling them that they're blowing things out of proportion.

Listen to their concerns. Learn why they're scared. Be EMPATHIC. Be CURIOUS. LEARN. And for fuck's sake STOP TALKING FOR US (You wouldn't believe how frustrating it can be to have someone who says they're an ally talking on our behalf or pretending that they know more than we do about our own experiences).

Let US Speak for OURSELVES. Ask us what WE WANT, not assume you know best. And for goodness' sake, stop sending us news stories and articles because we're your one LGBTQIA+ friend. Those stories are often triggering, especially for those of us who deal with discrimination and hate on a daily basis. It's okay to ask if we're aware of a story - but ask us before tagging us. Often randomly-shared stuff with no warning can be triggering.

Be INTENTIONAL about your support. Saying you're an ally isn't enough. Be there with us on the protest line. Be there when we fall. Lift us up. Celebrate our accomplishments, and fight like hell when people are wanting us to not exist. Stop supporting JK Rowling, Elon Musk, and every other person who has spewed hate our way.

Stop spending your money going to parts of the world where we aren't welcome. Let those who support hate know that you don't support hate, and you won't support their hate. Stop saying that because "x" person has done good we should overlook their hate, or implying that we're blowing things out of proportion. If the house is on fire, we expect you to believe us.


Strangely, when you stop supporting a brand that's doing bad things today they reconsider things pretty quickly...

Work on an election campaign. Volunteer, get involved. Know the legislation that's being passed to try and eradicate and discriminate. ( is a great starting place). Support businesses, creators, journalists and individuals who are being active allies, growing our communities, and making the world better.

And stop, for the love of everything, stop pretending it's not your problem.



🤔 We should improve developer experience, in a way that's better for user experience as well.

My pitch: unions.

If something is rare, you don’t have to account for it in your theory. For instance, 98% of baryonic matter in the visible universe is hydrogen or helium. Therefore we can say that there are only two elements, and that “carbon-based lifeforms” are simply confused.

I don't want to be more productive I want to feel less guilty for being unproductive

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.