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#solarstrom new Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) on its way towards Earth, although producing a smaller event compared to last weekend.

(Radio astronomer in the house is freaking out again because her observations must be rescheduled again 😬 )


So, how soon before we discover that Kovich from Star Trek: Discovery is Richard Belzer's John Munch and he is immortal force of nature?

I feel like very recently— like, the last month— Google has gotten *massively* worse about. Like look at this search where I search for the wiki for the C# game library FNA, and Google simply decides, without even offering a "Did you mean…", that it would be more interesting if I had instead been looking for "FNAF"

Be careful about saying the f-word around pets

::responds with the type of response you do when a wasp flies into your face::

No AI art, please. And definitely no unsolicited messages from AI, please. ::slams the mute button::

I can't tell if I need to to do dishes today, or allow the stuff in the sink to declare independence.

So, I've spent more days than not in the last two weeks in "Host Mode." Basically, trying to be a gracious host, socially mingle, present stuff to groups, and the like. Today was the last of those days for a while.

While I'm not an introvert, and can maybe be a tad overbearing as an extrovert, I do need to "recharge" on my own to recover. I've not had that chance these last two weeks. But now that I'm done, I can rest.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed doing it all. But I'm not just out of spoons, I'm out of forks, butterknives and all I have left are the steak knives, chopsticks and soup spoons.

Literally and mentally. 🙂

I couldn't find a bakery in Vancouver that makes milk bread exactly the way I like it -- so I bought a bread cookbook in Japanese, Google Translated my way through it, tweaked the recipe to work with the ingredients I could get here, and started baking bread every other week. Today's beautiful batch.

This picture doesn't do it justice, but when the sun hits it at just the right angle, it's radiant.

How busy have I been this last two weeks? I havetn' caught up on Star Trek OR Doctor Who.

I could be fired from my fandoms for that.

Serious questions for the San Antonians who remember Henry B Gonzales.

What were your impressions of him? What did he do that impressed you, did for you, or (if you didn't agree with him) that at least made you say "Huh. That was a good idea."

Would love to hear from the young who saw his later years, and the older folk who were there at his prime.

And yes, I know he punched a guy out at Earl Abel's. We can leave that one out. ;)

this was funny in my head so i made it

(also lust is a bit spicy compared to what i usually draw but eh, hope its fine lol)

Pictures Before Bed:

Getting some 'me' time. I was kind of getting bored with VR "experiences" when I realized that these environments could literally be total living spaces on their own. So why not just live in a super cute Japanese kawaii train? I mean, I'm already living in a spaceship in Second Life....

I need to find a better movie, though.

Thoughts Before Bed:

Lissa and @Amazonchique are some of the best friends a gal can have. They helped me make some very big decisions today by asking the tough questions and making me really think about those decisions.

Life is about to get a lot more complicated.

Let's get cracking.

i’m happier as a woman and it is frankly ridiculous that I or anyone else ever expected a deeper justification than that

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.