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To those saying "If it can happen to trump, it can happen to anyone.", yes you are correct.

If trump can be held accountable for his crimes, that means everyone can be held accountable for their crimes.

This isn't a flaw or a mistake, it's literally how the law is supposed to work.

Nothing explains how shitty capitalism is than Google having access to the sum total of all human knowledge and using that to … sell advertisements.

The only cyborg I've seen get it right is Inspector Gadget.

Because I can probably name ten people right now who would go for the "motorized screwdriver in the finger" surgery, yet it so rarely shows up in fiction.

But that's the transhumanist future I'm waiting for

comparison human bajoran vulcan klingon fleshlights

A little kaiju told me GODZILLA MINUS ONE will be streaming in the US starting June 1st 🙏

Money doesn't buy happiness is something rich people say, because they can't figure out why people don't like them.

To dispense earplugs, put your hand in the bit at the bottom and twist the dial until an earplug drops out. Repeat until all of your ears are plugged.

This notification brought to you by someone who didn’t wear them in their 20’s and Found Out.

#emfcamp #emf2024

Thanks to everyone who donatd to the Help Jenn Out With Her Bills request. I was able to make up the $1000 for my doctor AND get some groceries to boot! Thank you so so so much!

"The doctor and I have discussed the path. And you have traveled it. You've learned its lessons and you've faced your darkest sides."

"Yes, and I'm far from perfect. I'm afraid. Lost sometimes."

"Every sentient being, myself included, is all of those things. Yet some strive to be the best of themselves. I see that in you."

Thank you for that, Trek. Words I really needed to hear of late.

Yeah, guilty on 34 counts is nice and all.

Wake me up when he's in jail.

Hey all. I could use a little help here.

As you know I'm on year 1 1/2 of unemployment. While I'm not hurting for money, money is super tight. And you all know I have a lot of medical issues, which (thankfully) aren't very expensive right now.

My doctor, however, works on a "subscription" base, where I pay $1000 a year for her services. The good news, I can play the $1000 for this year. The bad news, this is a good chunk of money I could use to do other things like, you know, pay rent/electricity/groceries.

If you could help me out, I'd super appreciate it. You can find a donation link at the bottom of my comics page:

Okay - I know why I like the Coca Cola Spiced drink: it's raspberry. I LOVE raspberry flavored stuff.

If this had simply said "Coca Cola Raspberry" insteaed of "Spiced" or "Starlight" or something else, I would have picked it up far sooner than I did.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.