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I wish people would read more about Long COVID. People think it's rare; it's not. Or they think the healthy and the young can't get it; they can.

"I want people to know that I'm not lying, [long COVID] is real and can happen to anyone. I want people to know I'm not just trying to get out of doing school or sport — I wish I could do sport … I wish they understood I am just trying to save myself from being stuck in bed in pain for days afterwards."

- 12-year-old girl

fun that we're gonna end up in a mad max-esque desert wasteland because dipshits can't stop making AI slop

"You posted something publicly, so I'm entitled to criticize you and then have an absolute meltdown when you don't back down on your statement, which was not addressed to me"

- way too many people on #Mastodon

PSA for artists still using X. Stop announcing shit exclusively on X.

And if you still announce things on x, always include the link in every post, because users without x accounts can't see any posts without direct links, or even browse your profile to find *litterally anything else about you*.

Nobody wants to use that platform anymore and the only thing keeping most people I know there are announcements from creators, that's it.

Visibility on the platform has gotten so garbage, whenever someone posts something from x that doesn't include a direct link to the thing its talking about; we have to send out search parties to dig up the links so the announcement is actually announcing something its possible to *find.*

I don't like how my culture does apologies and forgiveness.

Time passing doesn't make up for harm.

Hollow words, without action to prevent recurrence, don’t demonstrate care.

We just pretend the bad thing didn't happen? And that it won't happen again?

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Finally made my first real build in Resonite. The creator jam theme was to make an environment and some type of game in three hours with a a team.

I didn't think I had any real skills in Resonite, but when I answered yes to "Can you pick up a rock?" I got put on our environmental team.

And I managed to build a volcano with dock! Yeah, they were pre-existing assets, but pushing around pre-existing assets was how I built most of my stuff in Second Life.

I'd only ever taken one other picture with the Creator Jam folks before, but I feel I earned my place in today's pic. Can you guess which one's me? Here's a hint: I'm one of the few not in fur....

FINALLY mostly caught up with all the stuff that got thrown out of whack on Wednesday when I took most of the evening off. One thing I need to take care of, but at the same time, I can do that over today and tomorrow and it won't take long.

There is enough sprironolactone in this vial to destroy the testosterone levels of an entire major city.

Be glad my demands are light for if they're not met by midnight....

There are some conversations I'm just too old for, and "social spending doesn't solve problems" is one of them. I've literally watched education, health care, housing, local news, and public transit be systemically defunded, dismantled, and neglected for most of my almost 47 years of life. *My* classrooms ballooned from 20 kids to 30, *my* band class, french immersion, enrichment programs were disrupted by cost-cutting measures, *my* tuition was 4x the tuition of students just 5 years older than me, lower-middle class kids of *my* generation and later are the ones working two or three precarious jobs (if we aren't already disabled by toxic workplaces) for half as much on a slow-cooking planet, watching the price of even the dilapidated shacks always shift just out of our reach while billionaires take pleasure cruises to outer space.

I am NOT a person to take "social spending doesn't do anything" when I saw just how much social cost-cutting fucking destroyed dreams for two-going-on-three generations, lol.

I've had a lot on plate these last few days, and it's pushed back a lot of the work I need to get done during the day...but the fun side effect is I'm writing at night because stuff is being pushed back.

And I'm quickly learning, I'm a much better writer late at night.

Also: Covid shotted.

Sunday school teacher: for the last time, Jesus ascended to heaven, he DID NOT GET ISEKAIED, and Judas was not "basically a tsundere elf girl"!

Me: but what about cru-

Teacher: And stop calling it crucifix-kun!

"When I eet beenz...I sit in mah own little cloud. NOBODY COMES TO VISIT ME....IN MAH LITTLE CLOUD."

Indian Watermelon Juice! Usually I like to drink this when it's hot, but hot just isn't happening this month....

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.