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Breaking: Kettle corn is delicious, but smells like feet.

So many articles about Democrats privately telling Biden to step down, but not a single headline about all these cool things I've privately told Biden:

-Yeah you can wash your cast iron pan. They're nearly indestructible.
-Super Smash Bros is more fun with items on.
-Can you bail out Red Lobster?

I love Beetlejuice and his iconic line "I am Beetlejuice"

little known fact: before digital, catgirls were interlaced - they were never cat and girl at the same time, but the cat and girl parts were beamed in too fast for you to tell the difference

I'm feeling bad for the people at CrowdStrike. Their stress levels must be off the charts.

Hopefully they will do a comprehensive post-mortem but I fear it'll be full of legal-speak.

Woke up to about twenty messages saying "JENN. DID YOU SEE? DID YOU SEE?!?!?!"

This is gonna crack so many eggs. ❤

Hey, T-mobile. If someone leaves me a time sensitive voice mail at 1PM, it's probably best you notify me of it before 4AM the next morning.

Wow, US medical insurance is so bad that today I discovered that my Medicare coverage was cancelled. How is that even possible?

It had everyone at the doctor's office wondering.

The answer is that I was on a Medicare Advantage plan - which I now know is something that every person should avoid. And they simply change me to a new medical provider - at a new location with new doctors and no records - without ever telling me.

You know who created the Medicare Advantage program - Republicans.

That's the same people who created various "health savings plans" in which those savings vanish at midnight each December 31.

I will be getting out of that "Advantage" plan at the next registration period, but that means that I'll be going the rest of the year without medical insurance, even though I am paying monthly for it.

Sheesh, the R-party really knows how to screw the public pooch.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.