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My American Dream has changed from "a small house in the country," to "one of those home ice machines that makes Sonic style ice" cause I can probably afford a mortgage for that last one.

Unpopular opinion: I don't like smash burgers.

I don't hate them. I just prefer thicker juicy burgers. The lacy texture of smash burgers always comes across to me as burned. They don't TASTE burned...but they have the textures of burned.

This message brought to you by "Searching for a good burger recipe."

So my EmuVR doesn't just do games. It'll allow you to watch videos. If you tell it to open a video, it'll spawn out a 90s era VCR and a VHS tape. Put it in the VCR, and you're watching TV in late 80s!

So, one of the VR Events I go to often will occasionally start to lag. The host usually tells us to go into "Non IKR" avatars, which are avatars without "skeletons." Usually just heads and hands. I was using one with a picture of my head for a head, and ghostly hands. I didn't like that.

So I used a NeoRoid creator to make one that is a little more me, while still just being "head and hands."

She's a cutie.

He's still alive! I gave him a quick haircut which lead to my first basil leaves. They taste STRONG. ❤

For those who liked my Deep Dive into the Shooting Script of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, I'd like to point you to some work I did on ALLLL the different drafts of The Motion Picture:

I'd love to do one like that for Wrath of Kahn, but have never found any early drafts. If you have one, lemme know. :)

What? No! Ame was that kind of gentle sounding but deeply-but-quietly unhinged streamer I really liked!

Because at least @dolari would be interested, the non-DVD, non-artbook portion of the backer rewards for the Dirty Pair re-dub arrived this morning. Not shown is the 20% off coupon for the Crunchyroll store.

So with the movie over and some of the changes annoted, there are a some things there that absolutely should hae been removed (the dumb bastard joke and some on-the-nose moments), but some things I'd like to have seen kept (Saavik being given a more "young leader in training" role).

Saavik in the movie comes across as just a new character, and in the script she seems to be set up as a replacement for Spock in future sequels. I also like that there is the BEGINNING of a David/Saavik relationship, and that it's not capped off at the end. Again, the feeling of setting something up for future movies.

This is the only draft of Wrath of Khan I was ever able to find, which is the Nick Meyer shooting script so sadly I can't do a comparison like I did with ST:TMP. If you have any of the early drafts, I'd love a copy/loan of them so I could do that comparison. Wrath of Khan also has an interesting (if much less volatile) history to its scripts. :)

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Annnd Saavik ruins the moment by referencing a line from earlier during Kirk and David's fight to the death. For a joke.

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During Spock's funeral, Saavik has quite a bit more to do. There are a few added lines here and there in the script that Spock is setting her up to be the Enterprises' First Officer. This is the first time Kirk addresses her with that same mindset.

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The "final" Kirk/Spock scene in Wrath of Khan is one of the finest in the entire series. Having Kirk sit there in silence as his friend dies in still heart wrenching.

The script has Saavik jump in with news to punch up the scene, but I'm glad it wasn't used - this is a solemn moment, and it needed to stay between Kirk and Spock.

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The "Remember" shot was a last minute (possibly on-the-set) addition to allow for the possibility of a sequel where Spock returns. It is not in the script.

Wonder if that sequel ever happened?

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Most of the Mutara Battle is exactly the same in the script as in the movie. There is one cut concept though. The child we see at the beginning of the movie, is shown as the Genesis device starts up. Again, a little on the nose.

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When Khan fires a warning shot at the Enterprise, there's a quick cut to sickbay, then back to the bridge in the movie. There was actually a scene there where David leaves sickbay and Carol helps ready sickbay for wounded.

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A through line that was removed was a smolder of romance between Saavik and David. The novels of ST2 and 3 kept it in, though.

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Bones with a cut smackdown. David comes across as really angry in this, which seems appropriate as he's seen a lot of death in the last few hours.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.