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I always found Canadian reporting on American politics very interesting. One, the reporters give no fucks, and two, you get a third party perspective on what we're doing.

As I was once told "it's hard not to talk about the US, when you live next door to a raging elephant."

I didn't even wait to dig in before taking a pic of my free pizza....

I have officially completed my second paid writing gig! And partially completed a third! Wish I could tell you about ithem, but you'll find out...eventually.

My bank account, though, found out today, and I'm set for the rest of the year if I don't get a more regular job before Dec 10!

Thanks for all your help, and I'll tell you what I can when I can. :)

Another last minute update to the EmuVR Bedroom: I painted the walls and replaced the carpet with what I had back in the 1989! Really feeling warm and cozy in there

But that bed and pillow have GOT to go.

Kinda wish Linux would up it's VR game.

Up until the beginning of this year, my Windows usage was almost nothing. But now that I'm doing a lot of VR stuff, more and more I'm moving back to Windows to use it. More and more of my disk space is moving back to Windows.

I'd use it in Linux, if I could. But what little I've gotten working does not work very well....

Updated my EmuVR 90s bedroom with a bunch of toys, a plant (so my Basil plant has a little presence in there), and some game lighting so I can play in the dark!

Thoughts Before Bed

Thanks to a friend, I now have my own personal fairy fountain in VR.

You can poke the fairies. ❤

Overheard from two elderly ladies at a coffee shop: “Mike, though, he’s still working. Working and smoking.”

Picard civics tip: Elect leaders the way you would hire crew members. Seek calm, control, and familiarity with how to operate the ship.

The US SCOTUS just overruled a lower court and is allowing Virginia to purge voters immediately before an election, despite the 90-day quiet rule. All three liberal justices dissented. This is another right-wing attack on democracy, this time coming from the biased Supreme Court.

If we don't elect Democrats in Congress and the White House, we'll never restore integrity to the Supreme Court.


US politics 

This morning, I listened to VP Harris's closing speech that she gave last night. It was really good.

I don't agree with her on everything. That's ok. I respect her, I believe she cares about people, and we can work with her. I am proud to vote for her.

One point in her speech stood out to me. She was listing positive examples of Americans standing up for our freedoms and ideals. One of her examples: Stonewall. STONEWALL!!


It was a small mention but a big deal. I felt seen.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.