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So I accidentally made eggs with about 500% of the Recommended Daily Allowance of salt.

Get salt shakers with built in spouts, she said. It'll be easier to cook, she said.

Thoughts Before Bed

Somewhere, looking down at me from the Great Beyond, Geri and Carole are smiling and saying "You're Welcome." ❤

Thoughts Before Bed

Big couple of nights this week. In a good way for once. Lots of old memories with a new friend, and new memories with a recent friend.

And we'll leave it at that. Best not jinx it, you know?

"And the horns kicked in. And my shoes started to squeak."

Everything that has a box is in it's box. Unless I'm actively using it, in which case I'll pack it when I'm done with it. I'll start the Big Packing on December 3rd.

Also there's a circle of hell where people untangle Christmas lights (or in my case, fireplace lights) for eternity.

Oh hey, a song I wrote lyrics for just got released! Go check it out "Cold Hands, Warm Heart" along with some far better songs by Ashley Eriksson!


Thoughts Before Bed

Spent the evening tuning up the virtual arcade to use my arcade joystick.

Something I used to say when I was Miss Mortal Kombat 1996-1999 was that I may love video games, I'm actually not particularly GOOD at a lot of them. I've never made it past the second level in Tron. I often don't pass the first level of Pac-Man. I'm a sucker for Galaga enemies cornering me and killing me. I didn't finish Super Mario Bros 1 until 2009.

But I do love old video games. :)

Planning out the next week or so

Thanksgiving Thursday
Black Friday
Suckerpunch Saturday
Sideswipe Sunday
Cyber Monday
Giving Tuesday
Moist Wednesday
Itchy Thursday
Facepunch Friday

It is now Friday, November 29th.


Merry Crisis.

In honor of MST3K's birthday on Thanksgiving Day, I give you the best song ever made in the Universe!


Shower thought: An idea I'd had for a random thing to hang on a wall is an old recycled laptop display which silently plays Star Trek: The Motion Picture in slow motion over the course of a day or so and loops.

For as self-indulgent & ponderous the movie was, it was chock full of beautiful frames of sci-fi. Especially for 1979.

Also occurs to me that it would be neat to have running on a smartwatch as wallpaper, if I ever wore one.

Like, just imagine glancing at it from one random moment to another and seeing something like this, entirely removed from context or plot

Hey, we are "Head Cleaner" and this is our new album "Play Both Sides"

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.