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We're not a country.

We're a collection of company towns ruled by a corrupt conglomerate.

Today, Jenn's brain hit 115% CPU usage and ran hot all day.

I didn't even get much done.

The largest part of my toy chest is now back on display.

I've always been a big Transformers fan, particularly pre-1984 movie. I never really saw then as a toys, though. More like puzzles. Sadly after the movie, they got very simplified and the puzzle already went away and I lost interest.

Still love those G1s.

Wait. You're telling me Hasbro sold me the same toy FIVE TIMES?!?!

Dang, I was a dumb kid. A dumb 45 year old kid.

Quote of the Day:

"Dang. That's some 1950s MK Ultra Shortwave Numbers Station mind scrambler stuff there."

Quote of the Day:

"Dang. That's some 1950s MK Ultra Shortwave Numbers Station mind scrambler stuff there."

With some time to myself finally I'vebegun the Great ReUnpacking. Finally got the Autobots all set up. Poor Megatron is out there all alone. He'll get some company soon.

It's 2025...twenty years after the Transformers Movie timeline. WHY DO WE HAVE CYBERTRUCKS WHEN WE COULD HAVE HAD THIS?!

Did you know there could be GOOD punches to the face? Cause I just got a good punch to the face waking up this morning.

Very good.

More later.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.