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Whoever decided to name the tiniest candy bars "Fun Size" clearly didn't understand the sheer depths of chocoholism.
😋 🍫

i just learned this yesterday but: if you're trans and you were born in the state of New Jersey, there's a fastpass discounted system in place to ammend your birth documents.

it costs 6$ if you're just doing gender marker, 8$ if you're doing name as well, 10$ total for an extra (second) copy of the new birth cert. they obliterate the old record through all state systems & replace it with the corrected one. this takes 8-10 weeks. and they have a badass name: Record Modification Unit.

it includes nb options
it includes options for parents w trans kids

someone in 2018 understood the need for this and absolutely nailed their assignment perfectly.

i think every state should model on this tbh

company: "Calcium sulfonate-based water-resistant marine and automotive grease."

me: "miku paste"

company: "Please don't call it--"

me: "miku paste"

an artist on bluesky shared a list of where they get all their tabling supplies for artist alleys and i thought it was potentially useful so i am sharing it

Barnard's Star is the closest single star to Earth, located just 6 light-years from Earth. Astronomers announced today that they've found four new mini-Earth planets in orbit around the red dwarf star. The planets were found with the MAROON-X instrument installed on the Gemini North telescope, which uses the radial velocity method to detect subtle shifts in starlight from the gravity of the planets. One planet was found in August 2024, and three more were added today.

My mom accidentally referred to cryptocurrency as “kleptocurrency” this morning and I think I’m going to call it that from now on! 🤑

Hay, guys! Remember ? Guess who has money to spend on groceries again?!

# Cilantro Lime Rice

Recipe Journal
6.0 servings

2.0 tbsp olive oil
1.5 cups white rice
1.0 clove garlic (minced)
2.25 cups water
1.0 tsp salt
2.0 tsp lime zest
3.0 tbsp lime juice
1.0 cup lightly packed cilantro

1 - Heat the olive oil in a medium saucepan on medium high heat.
2 - Add the raw rice and stir to coat with the olive oil. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the rice has started to brown.
3 - Add the garlic and cook a minute more.
4 - Add water, salt, and lime zest to the rice.
5 - Bring to a rolling boil, then cover and lower the heat to low to maintain a very low simmer.
6 - Cook undisturbed for 15 minutes,
7 - Remove from heat and let sit for 10 minutes.
8 - Fluff the rice with a fork.
9 - Transfer the rice to a serving bowl. Pour lime juice over the rice and toss with chopped cilantro.

Makes 4 servings at ~37.5g carbs per serving
Calories 211
Total Fat 4g
Total Carbohydrate 37g
Protein 3g

I wish Woods still made these power decks. I have three and they're just the perfect configuration for large plugs and regular plugs. They stopped the gaming branding after a while then the form factor completely disappeared from their site.

I wasn't able to go out Thursday to celebrate my Twenty Fifth Tranniversary, so I did it tonight.

Happy 25th Jenn. Here's to 25 more in whatever country I end up by 2050.

I rarely throw things away until they literally fall apart. Over the last week, my diamond print bed sheets, which I've had since the mid 90s and that you may gave seen in countless pictures of toys I've laid out on my bed, has fallen apart.

May the new bedsheets last just as long.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.