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This Week's Meals (2/3): Wild Rice Soup.

Big ole dumb me forgot to cook the rice first, so I put the soup on low heat and just let it simmer hoping to rice would soften. It did, but not much.

As we watch Elon Musk slide into rightwing radicalization in real time, I’m reminded of this 1941 piece by Dorothy Thompson.
“Who goes Nazi?”

In short: it is the people who love money and status and power that are at risk.
Those who resist the urge are the people who have a solid family life; a job they love for the work, not the money; a moral framework based on pluralism and equal access to opportunity.
Worth a read. #nazi #Twitter #liberal

tv channels:

0 - black screen, a.k.a. 'AV'
1 - bbc 1
2 - bbc 2
3 - itv
4 - channel 4
5 - ants nest
6 - more ants
7 - tons of ants in this tv i guess
8-38 - ants onscreen at all time on all of these channels it seems
39 - video recorder

Kahless tells us to embrace a second chance when it is offered to you. A true warrior seizes the opportunity to be a better person than they were before their mistake. Not everyone is lucky enough to receive such an opportunity. Not everyone is wise enough to take it.

@ami_angelwings There is no plural of the word, instead it gets a word sort of like how flocks of various animals get names. A group of anime is "an overshare of anime"

Last boost: that would be me. The old woman yelling at cloud computing is me.


A.I. is bad at art because it doesn’t know how to procrastinate


If you pitched Santa Claus today—a man of size who gives away free gifts to impoverished children and wears red—he’d be decried as woke leftist propaganda.

People who say "yolo" are going to feel pretty dumb when they're reincarnated as geranium pots 30k ft in the air next to blue whales.

I don't really celebrate Christmas, but there are things I kings want to have around just because it rankings me of the season.

1) The white ceramic Christmas tree with the star on top, cause I remember my grandmother having one and I thought it was beautiful at night.

2) Those Christmas lights that bubble when they get warm. I think they're illegal now? Cause they can break and the liquid can catch fire? I think I read about that somewhere.

I'm not a Christmas person, but they do feel like Winter things for me.

Ate the first MRE for the (apparently pictorial) write up. Now if you'll excuse me...I gotta go lie down. ::urp::

So, this tape has The Rock hosting Saturday Night Live.

Man hasn't aged a day

Today's "War of the Worlds" is the final episode, The Obelisk. Actually I'm really surprised at how far this show as come. From one that was obviously not taking itself seriously, goofy as hell, and not being able to determine if it's comedy, drama or horror, it goes into Season 2 as a straight up Cyberpunk Sci-Fi Drama. It's tone become super serious, and the writing goes through the roof.

I know they were cancelled early, but they did have enough lead time to actually make a last episode, which ends very hopefully, and with a tenuous peace between humans and aliens, and does it well.

I'm sad it ended, but I think the rough first season really hurt the great second season.

Now, what should I put in its place? The previous shows in this slot were the 1978 Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Space: 1999, and now War of the Worlds. What do you think? Should I go more Cyberpunk with Max Headroom? Or maybe a bit of wierd with Space Precinct? Any other suggestions?

So that angry guy from the other day? Saw him at the convenience store and he flagged me down for some friendly chat. He was just having a bad day it seems.

But, again, with all the anti-trans rhetoric, it's hard to tell who might start beleiving it and how they'll react to you after buying into it.

You think the Borg run on Linux? Which distribution?

Tonight's ST:TNG is "The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2."

FINALLY, Season 4. I personally think Season 4 if TNG is its best. It's got a nice, if unintendtion, arc about family runing through the first quarter or so of the season, and has most of my favorite episodes.

It's here I thought TNG became was finally able to stand on its own feet.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.