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Huh. It snowed overnight. That was unexpected. Even the weather service was saying no precipitation at all overnight.

Axel rose: you know where you are?
Me: Nope
Axl rose: you're in the jungle baby
Me: oh cool!
Axl rose: you're gonna die
Me: ☹️

I decided tonight to go ahead and move onto New Doctor Who for tonight's Dr Who. I really like Chris Eccleston's Doctor, although he can be overly goofy at times, and how badly Mickey is treated/written. But I forgot just how campy this first season was.

For anyone wanting the Kolache Recipe, here it is, courtesy of Mrs. Nettle of Fredericksburg Texas.

# Kolatschen (Kolaches)

Fredericksburg Home Kitchen Cook Book
16.0 kolaches

0.5 cup milk (scalded)
0.5 cup sugar (dough)
1.0 tsp salt
0.5 tsp mace
0.5 whole lemon rind (grated)
2.0 packages dry yeast
0.5 cup warm water
2.0 eggs (beaten)
0.5 cup butter (melted) (dough)
4.5 cups flour (dough)
0.3333333333333333 cup sugar (streusel)
2.0 tbsp flour (streusel)
2.0 tbsp butter (cut into chunks and chilled) (streusel)
1.0 tbsp preserves or cream-cheese ricotta filling


1 - Combine milk, sugar, salt, mace and lemon rind. Cool to lukewarm.
2 - Stir yeast into warm water; let stand 5 minutes.
3 - Add to milk mixture. Stir in eggs and margarine and enough flour to make a soft dough.
4 - Knead on lightly floured board until smooth and elastic.
5 - Cover, let rise in warm place until double in bulk.
6 - Punch down, cover and let rise for 30 minutes.
7 - Shape into 2 inch balls, flatten slightly and place on greased cookie sheets 2 inches apart.
8 - Cover and let rise 30 minutes.


9 - Combine all streusal ingredients and mix together with fingers. Cover and refrigerate until needed


10 - Make a large depression in each ball with fingertips, fill with preserves of your choice.
11 - Sprinkle kolaches with streusal.
12 - Bake at 375 degrees F, about 20 minutes or until golden.

My friends...I gotcha kolache.

The first batch browned a little more than I wanted, but at least that let me know o should take the second batch out sooner than later.

This batch also has a cream cheese-ricotta filling and proper spaetzel topping and let me tell's not Weikel's, but it is damn good.

There was another near disaster with the kolache dough when I heated my oven to have a warm spot for my dough to rise, and forgot to turn it off when I put the dough in, cooking a little bit of it.

It looks like the dough will be fine, but it didn't rise as much as I wanted. So instead of 30 kolaches, we're doing 16, and making them a little larger, since 30 would have been tiny. Hope that's enough.

why can’t replicators make pumpkin spice raktajino all year long

Migrating from Twitter and getting feel of this place.

Hello. Name's Natalia and I'm a #PhD student based in Edinburgh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 drawing #pterosaurs when not researching pterosaurs 🐉

Follow for general #palaeontology #palaeoart updates

The big bang took forever to condense down to the point of me seeing a chihuahua wear little shoes in the snow. What other wonders await us.


Style swap! Bumblebee done in the Gobots cartoon style, and Scooter done in the TF cartoon style! I ended up giving Scooter an action shot and Bumblebee a more static one because it highlights how both shows generally felt. (I love both franchises, btw!)


Little worried that my kolache dough isn't going to come out well. I acidentally knocked some water on the dough and I had to rework it. Now, while it's smooth, it feels super dense and tough, and I think I ruined it.

We'll find out.

We speak daily to comrades we have yet to meet—or may never meet—face to face. In times past this would be a weak bond, easily neglected. But to all of you I say: Whether we clasp arms and raise glasses together, or whether we remain apart, we are kin. Let us triumph together.

<newbies> Mastodon is different than Twitter!

<Masto users> Yeah.

<newbies> There's no algorithm!

<Masto users> ...*yeah*.

<newbies> It's hard to sell products here!

<Masto users> YEAH

<newbies> Trafficking in outrage and misinformation doesn't get traction here!

<Masto users, looking at the camera> This is a bit, right? They're doing a bit.

mastodon might seem confusing at first, but dont worry, you'll become gay soon enough

Journalists, I am begging you:


Tap your networks, figure out what collective action you are going to take against Musk, and then do it.

He may not realize it, but his platform lives & dies by your participation.

You may be under attack, but you have the cards.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.