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A HS student to their TX school board, which is banning books:

“I’m not going to sit here and talk about the slippery slope that book banning leads to because I learned from a book, that I checked out from my school’s library, that I don’t need to resort to logical fallacy to make a point. I’m simply going to say that no government – and public school is an extension of government – has ever banned books, and banned information from its public, and been remembered in history as the good guys.”

New Minnesota Law on reproductive rights

"Every individual who becomes pregnant has a fundamental right to continue the​ pregnancy and give birth, or obtain an abortion, and to make autonomous decisions about​ how to exercise this fundamental right"

Note that law protects both right to end pregnancy AND right to continue pregnancy


#ReproductiveJustice #ReproRights #abortion #race #law #courts #lawfedi #lawprof #Minnesota

Welcome to Mastodon…

Please spay and neuter your bigots.

"I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my telephone. My wish has come true because I can no longer figure out how to use my telephone." ~ Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ inventor.

This Week's Meals (3/3): Kuku Choma

Oh, my. Oh, my this smells fantastic. I tasted the sauce - little salty, but most marinades are. After I took the chicken out of the oven-broiler, I licked my fingers and...oh, boy I'm looking forward to this....

# Kuku Choma

Street Fighter: The Official Street Food Cookbook
14.0 servings

1.0 whole red bell pepper
7.0 cloves garlic
2.0 inches ginger (peeled)
1.0 tsp red pepper flakes
4.0 tsp lime zest
3.0 tbsp vegetable oil
1.0 tbsp cumin
1.0 tsp corriander
2.0 tsp paprika
2.0 tsp salt
1.0 tsp black pepper
5.0 pounds chicken wings
1.0 whole lime
2.0 tbsp marinade (measurement)

1 - Place the bell pepper, garlic, ginger, and red chile flakes in a food processor.
2 - Puree until smooth, and transfer to a large bowl.
3 - Add the zest and squeeze the lime so that the juice is also added.
4 - Add two thirds of the canola oil, cumin, coriander, paprika, salt, and pepper, and mix together well.
5 - Transter the listed amount of the marinade into a separate airtight container and mix with the remaining lime zest and juice, and the remaining tablespoon of canola oil. Set aside in the refrigerator.
6 - Place the chicken wings in the large bowl and toss to cover in the remaining marinade.
7 - Let rest covered in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours and up to 6 hours.
8 - About 15 minutes before grilling, remove the chicken wings and reserved marinade from the refrigerator.
9 - Preheat a grill, and oil the grate to prevent the wings from sticking.
10 - Place the chicken wings directly over the heat. Baste the wings several times with the reserved marinade while they grill. Flip the wings occasionally until they have a nice char and have cooked through (chicken is done when it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F/74°C), 5 to 10 minutes.
11 - Transfer to a plate, and wrap in aluminum foil until it’s time to serve.

"I guess we should retire the expression "avoid it like the plague" given how little effort people put into avoiding an actual plague."

#CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask 🥴​

A man tells a woman to “cover up” while feeding her child.

So she does.

I like this woman.

This Week's Meals: (2/3): Spaghetti "Carbonara"

This isn't your regular Spaghetti Carbonara as it has nori (seaweed), scalliions and sesam seeds. Given that this is from a Street Fighter recipe book, specifically a Ken specialty, I'm guessing this is supposed to be a fusion of Italian and Asian cuisine as he's an American who trains in Japan.

Gave myself a slight steam-burn making this so be careful.

# Spaghetti Carbonara

Street Fighter: The Official Street Food Cookbook
11.0 servings

1.5 tsp salt
1.0 whole egg white
4.0 whole egg yolks
2.0 tbsp white miso
0.75 cup Parmesan cheese
0.3333333333333333 cup Romano cheese
2.0 tsp black pepper
1.0 pound spaghetti
2.0 tbsp ghee
8.0 ounces bacon (cut into large pieces)
4.0 cloves garlic
1.0 sheet nori (sliced into strips)
2.0 tsp sesame seeds
1.0 tsp black sesame seeds
1.0 whole scallion (chopped)
4.0 whole eggs (poached)
2.0 cups pasta water (measurement)

1 - Heat water, enough to cover the pasta, in a large pot over high heat.
2 - When it comes to a boil, add the salt.
3 - In a medium bow! combine the egg yolks, whole egg, miso, half of the Parmesan, half of the Romano cheese, and black pepper.
4 - Whisk together until well combined.
5 - Cook the pasta until just al dente. Drain the pasta and reserve at least the measured amount of pasta water.
6 - Heat a deep pot over medium heat. Add the ghee and melt.
7 - Add the bacon and cook until crispy, about 6 to 10 minutes.
8 - Add garlic and cook for another 2 minutes.
9 - Add half of the pasta water and bring to a boil. Stir until the water begins to reduce.
10 - Add the pasta and stir together rigorously.
11 - Remove the pot from the heat and continue to stir.
12 - Carefully pour the egg mixture in and keep stirring. It is important to keep stirring to not let the eggs scramble. Stir until the sauce appears glossy.
13 - Stir in the remaining cheese. If the sauce Is too thick, add additional pasta water to the pasta to help thin out the sauce. Make sure to add water in small portions so as not to make the sauce too runny.
14 - Taste and season with additional pepper or cheese if needed.
15 - Mix the nori, white sesame seeds, black sesame seeds, and scallions in a bowl.
16 - When serving a portion, place some pasta on a plate and top with a poached egg. Sprinkle with the nori mixture.

This Week's Meals (1/3): Koshari

Oh, my goodness, this took three hours to cook and is essentially making four individual meals into one big individual meal. Thast tomato sauce was TASTY though. I can never get crisp onion strings, though. They're always just this side of burned, but never crispy.

This is a very complicated recipe. Read it carefully before trying:

# Koshari

Street Fighter: The Official Street Food Cookbook
12.0 servings

2.0 whole yellow onions (sliced thin) (onion rings)
3.0 tbsp flour
1.0 tbsp salt (onion rings)
0.25 cup vegetable oil (onion rings)
1.0 tbsp vegetable oil (tomato sauce)
1.0 stick cinnamon
1.0 whole bay leaf
0.5 whole yellow onion (chopped) (tomato sauce)
5.0 cloves garlic (minced)
2.0 cups tomato sauce
2.0 tsp cumin (tomato sauce)
2.0 tsp coriander (tomato sauce)
1.0 tsp cayenne pepper
1.0 tsp paprika (tomato sauce)
2.0 tsp salt (tomato sauce)
1.0 tsp black pepper
1.0 cup basmati rice
1.0 tbsp unsalted butter
0.25 whole yellow onion (diced) (rice)
45.0 grams vermicelli
2.0 cups vegetable broth
1.0 tsp cumin (rice)
1.0 tsp coriander (rice)
0.5 tsp chili powder
0.5 tsp paprika (rice)
1.0 tsp salt (rice)
0.5 cups lentils
2.0 cups elbow macaroni
15.0 ounces garbanzo beans
1.5 cups water (lentils)
2.0 cups water (macaroni)
0.0625 tsp salt (macaroni)

Prepare the Rice
1 - Place the rice in a bowl, and cover with water. Let sit for 1 hour.

Crispy Onions:

2 - Toss the sliced onions in flour and salt.
3 - Place a large pan over medium heat.
4 - Add the canola oil and let it heat for about 1 minute.
5 - Cook the onions until crisp, 20 to 30 minutes.

Tomato Sauce:
6 - Place the canola oil in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat.
7 - Add the cinnamon stick and bay leaf. Allow to toast for about 1 minute.
8 - Add the onion and garlic, and cook until softened, about 5 minutes.
9 - Add the sauce and spices.
10 - Reduce the heat, and simmer for 15 minutes.

Serving prep
11 - In a saucepan, add lentils and water. Bring to a boil.
12 - Boil the lentils intil tender, aboput 15-20 minutes.
13 - In a seperate saucepan, add water for the macaroni and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil.
14 - Add elbow macaroni and allow saucepan to return to a boil. Stir occasionally
15 - Cook for 7-8 minutes or until tender.
16 - drain both lentils and macaroni, set aside.

11 - Drain the rice, and set aside.
12 - Place the butter in a saucepan over medium heat until melted.
13 - Add the onion, and cook until translucent.
14 - Add the vermicelli, and toast for about 1 minute.
15 - Add the rice, and cook until slightly toasted, about 3 minutes.
16 - Add the vegetable broth, cumin, coriander, chili powder, paprika, and salt.
17 - Bring to a boil, and then reduce the heat to low.
18 - Cover, and cook until the rice has cooked through, about 10 minutes.

19 - Place a generous portion of rice on a plate.
20 - Top with lentils, macaroni, chick-peas, tomato sauce, and crispy Onions.

My air filter hates or when I cook. It's one of the few times the air quality light on it goes red.

Forgot to pick up some garbonzo beans on my last grocery trip, so I 'm going out for some. It just dawned on me that I've bought more garbonzo beans in the last two weeks than I hav in my entire life before (which was zero).

I dunno what's going on at the local supermarket, but last week I bought a jar of mayonaisse that I realized was over three months expired, and now when chopping my ginger and garlic, I noticed they were both molded over inside.

Guys, my money is tight, I can't keep buying what's ending up as expired foods.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.