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Fuck J.K. Rowling and her works. Glad we had this discussion.

Talking to friends in Austin who are enduring yet another large-scale catastrophic infrastructure failure, and I’m wondering if any of the shitbird VCs who were encouraging everyone to move to Texas have yet noted that the policy regime they’re so fond of is harming so many people, so consistently.

Texas politics/homelessness 

Honey... I don't know how to break this to you but this has been happening for a lot longer than the past bit because of the ice storm...

Back from the Mammogram. For those of you who fear these, rest assured - you're not sending messages with your boobs.

How is Kim Petras thirty?

How am I nearly fifty? How is Shatner 90? How is what what? What how is how? WHAT HOW WHAT!?

Spent the day adulting. Ended up doing my taxes, and applied for a few jobs. Quite a few in fact. Blue Origins is on the list. If the interview is in Renton, I'm hoping that they'll let me take a pic of the Enterprise shooting model in the lobby. :)

I ended up feeling poorly today. Stomacheache, headache. I have a mammogram Monday afternoon. If I'm still feeling poorly when I wake up, I'll take a Covid test. Just in case.

Oh, just a warning about this week's recipes. They come from a recipe book for a restaurant and the recipes are GIGANTIC. The recipe for the cornbread is the full recipe, but I only made 1/4 of the recipe.

I owe $475 in taxes this year. It's not the $7000 I owed in 1995 and didn't pay off until 1999, but this I don't need right now.

I kinda want to do a roadtrip drive, but I'm really running into a problem I never had roadtripping in Texas: a mountain range.

In Texas, there were so many places to go. From San Antonio and Asutin, you had a full 360 dregrees to explore. But here, if you want to go west, you had US 2 and I-90 and that's it. Because those are the only two routes through the mountains.

Go north, you can do Highway 9, but you have city on the left, and mountains on the right, and south the same, with the city on the right and mountains on the left.

There are forest roads to explore, but at the same time, with early sundowns and snows, that's not an option for more than half the year. AND I'm running out of roads to explore that are safe with a MAzda.

I'm rather bored with those trips as I've seen most everything. Going beyond the mountains (or the Puget Sound) to explore more areas is WAY more a chore than driving in and through the Texas Hill Country.

“What news do you bring me from over the mountains, my little friend?”

“There is a great storm coming, you should find shelter soon. Also, I saw hunters camped in the valley.”

“Anything else?”

“Your mother wants to know if you’re eating enough. She says she worries about you.”

I'm no Stephen Hawking, but I think what happens is that they cancel each other out.

All three computers chugging away (although one is in remote desktop window)

I didn't expect to get all my cooking done today. My Sunday has opened way up....

This Week's Meals (3/3): Chicken Fried Steak and Cream Gravy

They're a little small, but they fit my carb counts. Also, I'm still having issues getting that crust to come out right. It's still rather mushy despite me cooking it for longer than usual, but at least this time it didn't just slough off the meat.

The Cream Gravy recipe is in my post about the Mashed Potatoes.

# Chicken-Fried Steak and Cream Gravy

Threadgills: The Cookbook
21.0 Jenn sized servings

48.0 ounces cube steak
2.0 whole eggs
2.0 cups milk
3.0 cups flour
2.0 cups canola oil
2.0 tsp Threadgill's Meat Seasoning
Skillet Cream Gravy

1 - Whisk eggs and milk together in a bowl and set this egg wash aside.
2 - Combine the flour and meat seasoning in another bowl and set aside.
3 - Heat the oil in a heavy 14-inch cast-iron skillet over medium heat to 350°. Use a 550° thermometer to check temperature. The oil should pop loudly when a drop of egg wash is dropped in.
4 - Dip Up to 4 cutlets in the egg wash mixture.
5 - Dredge them in the flour then dip them back into the egg wash, and very gently place them in the hot oil.
6 - As you carry them one at a time from the egg wash to the skillet, hold a plate under them to catch the dripping egg wash.
7 - There'll be a regular explosion of noisy oil a-popping. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes, until breading is set and golden brown.
8 - Gently turn them with a long-handled meat fork or long metal tongs. Be careful. Cook another 3 minutes.
9 - Carefully remove them from the skillet and drain on a platter lined with paper towels.
10 - Let oil reheat and repeat process for another 4 cutlets.
11 - Serve with Cream Gravy and Mashed Potatoes.

# Threadgill's Meat Seasoning

Threadgills: The Cookbook
Makes a LOT.

0.5 cup kosher salt
4.0 tbsp black pepper
2.0 tbsp white pepper
1.5 tsp cayenne pepper
2.0 tbsp onion powder
1.5 tsp cumin
4.0 tbsp garlic powder
2.0 tbsp paprika

1 - Mix ingredients well.

"Ben, Hornby's right, we're broadcasters. In our business, morals are one thing but ratings are EVERYTHING."

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.