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This would kill any return to Texas. While I've always planned for a return some day, it's been doubtful for years...but this would end that.

I honestly believe at this point, this is a move to get this in front of the Supreme Court, which will likely side with the Missouri Attorney General. Not so much to force Transgender healthcare to be demolished (that's just the plate delivering the dessert), but to give the Attorney Generals of all states huge powers.

Does anyone remember these phone lines that would have games on the other end you'd play by pressing numbers, or would have facts and figures, even sports scores? They never charged I used to spend hours on them late at night in the mid 80s.

I ran into Redmond today for a dental appointment, and decided to give Five Guys a second try. My first Five Guys burger was cold and had turned into a solid slab of fat, which didn't exactly enamor me. So I tried it hot.

Actually a fairly good burger! Close to Whataburger in flavor, but not quite there. But it has a problem: it's far too gooey. It's a hamburger paste once you're about halfway through the burger. Also, no way I ccan finish even small fries, and I don't like wasting food.

If it weren't for those two things, it'd probably be my Whataburger surrogate up here.

I look at this crumb structure in the heel of the bread where it didn't collapse and think, yeah, I think it's the oven that caused the bread to collapse. This looks like real bread.

Aw, the Old Alsatian Restaurant in Castroville is gone. :(

If the Altdorf Biergarten and Old German Bakery in Fredericksburg and Alpine Haus Restaurant in New Braunfels ever close, what even is the Texas Hill Country anymore?

This is how fascists silence a voice with a stake in legislation targeted against them. Transgender legislation affecting a transgender politician and their constituancy that is transgender.

uspol, missouri ban, damn 

my doctor's office just called. i had checked in with them over a week ago over whether they'd be able to provide me with care anymore and it was basically "idk wait n see." Except like, compassionately.

anyway i just found out that they won't be treating me anymore. not just no longer giving prescriptions, apparently. additionally, it's looking likely that the pharmacies won't be allowed to fill those scripts, either.

Montana Republicans meeting to censure or expel Representative Zephyr for speaking on behalf of trans people have decided to ban her from the floor and forbid her from speaking in the House. She will be allowed to vote on bills only by remote.

Also, Indiana Republicans are moving to institute felony criminal charges against librarians, Republican DeSantis's anti-vaxx health director got caught editing papers to insert bullshit and remove fact, the conspiracy theory movement is converging on trans people as the literal root of all evil which must be extinguished. (There's a big "kill them all and everyone who supports them" movement on Twitter now, which will appear in more detail tomorrow.)

#politics #fascism

Resistance against trans genocide often looks and feels like this: one, lone trans woman, standing alone, with no allies around her, her voice silenced, her dead mic raised defiantly above her head, her terrified eyes begging someone to listen, to help, to stop this madness.

i do not want a "Unified Online Identity". fracture that shit as much as fucking possible thank you very much

Spoilers for Picard Season 3, episode 10, but it's funny, you should watch this.... 

Forgive me friends, I had to. Spoilers for Picard Season 3, episode 10.

You'd think that being unemployed for nearly four months would mean tons of time for writing, drawing and video gaming, but my day is mostly taken up catching up on everything I didn't have time for when I had a job....

Thirty years after I used my first web browser, Lynx is still useful for getting around paywalls....

i might just carry n95 masks for the rest of my life. they're great. weigh nothing, take up no space, fix so many problems. stinky? smokey? pollen? pet dander? forgot to shave? want to avoid face rec? have to be around sick people? dont want to have to show emotions? cold nose? nbd! one piece of paper fixes all of these problems & more!

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.