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Tears of the Kingdom update: I'm only now going into the Goron realm after finishing up the Gerudo and Zora. Saving the Rito for last cause I've heard that's where the game takes off, and I want as much done as possible before we get there.

Apparently, this is the opposite of what the game wants you to do (it's open world, sure, but there's a "path" it wants you to take), so the game actually is getting easier and easier. :)

I'm currently at the stage of sickness where I feel fine, but my nose is a fire hydrant and my eyes want to be popped out and washed.

Here's something we haven't seen in a while:

Comics Updated!
A Wish for Wings #273

Being up late at night, and often with the windows open on nice cool nights, I'll occasionally hear something that sounds like a loud explosion. Not just here in Washington, but I've heard it in PA and Texas. I've never seen news about them, or ambulance sirens. But I always wonder what those sounds are.

In Texas, particularly in San Antonio, I could write it off as being a loud noise from a nearby concrete plant (In fact, a lot of "wierd noise" videos I see I'm like "is there a plant nearby, cause that sounds like a plant of some sort"), but out here, it's all farms.....

I love that the Barbie movie is marketing itself as "If you love Barbie, this is the movie for you. If you hate Barbie, this is the movie for you."

Wow, I haven't been this sick in a while. According to the test I just took, it's not covid, but, wow, it's knocked me out multiple times today.

I've said I would only play years of the Kingdom "two days on, one day off" and today is a day off. But I'm sick as a dog right now. Dare I spend another day in world?

My main regret working in the tech industry is I work in a field that is not protected by unions, and that any union talk leads to immediate termination. I had one job even ask me to stop using "union" as a phoenetic for U.

Looking at you, Dell.

Brain: Pizza is pizza. Is pizza, is dancing, is music, is potatoes. So, pizza is pizza. Okay? Peoples is peoples. Is pizza gone? Yes. Is peoples worrying? Is peoples looking? Is no come? But is peoples working? Is water boiling? Is come. Yeah. Peoples is peoples.

Jenn: What I'm getting is, you really want pizza?

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.