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Birdsite, Uspol, Pride, Tesla 

If you still have a Twitter account or are buying a Tesla, you are supporting this. #elon #musk #nazi #pride #birdsite #tesla #TSLA

Any anime night MUST contain the Daicon IV video, if only to keep up your own reputation as a pretentious anime geek.

Neck crick and arm pain is back. Beginning to think the doctor is right and I've got a bulging disk in my neck.

Playing catchup after a week of sick, so no gameplay stuff today. But hey, halfway clean house, packages sent and picked up, and some cooking coming....

Shrimp, shrimp, shrimp! Shrimp shrimp shrimp, shrimp shrimp! Shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp, shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp! Shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp! Shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp, shrimp, shrimp shrimp shrimp! Shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp, shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp? Shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp! Shrimp shrimp, shrimp shrimp shrimp! Shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp, shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp! Shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp, shrimp shrimp shrimp! Shrimp, shrimp!

I keep forgetting that I have these cookbooks, and I don't know if that's bad or good.

"employers are upset people are working side hustles"
Employers should pay more then

HELLO, this is interesting, Paramount has decided to make the entire first season of Strange New Worlds available to view for free (but with commercials) on their YouTube channel!

I quite liked SNW season 1, so for my fellow Trekkies out there who don't have a Paramount+ subscription, now's your chance to actually see this particular flavor of Trek. :)

EDITING TO ADD since several folks have reported: this _does_ appear to be region-locked, US only. Apologies, non-US folks. :(

Today's Completions (1/5). And there's a ton of them after taking two days off....

I'm finally heading into the Rito area of the game, after finishing off the Gerudo, Zora and Goron areas of the game, and, yeah. The game REALLY wanted me to go to the Rito area first, cause now I'm actually getting storylines I missed out on doing it "out of order."

Why do you love Legend of Zelda, Jenn? You've said yourself you're not a big fan of fantasy.

90% of the game is doing nice things to help people and they're very happy about it. Except that one guy in Tarrey Town. Fuck that guy.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.