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America was founded on the promise of freedom and equal rights for all.

In reality, this has always been unevenly applied. Freedom is a constant battle, and everyone’s rights are FAR from equal.

The most American thing we can do is to keep pushing hard for freedom, liberty, and truly equal rights for EVERYONE.

Friends with drones! Please share your top photography tips! I’m off to a good start, but eager to learn more!

"The gays stole the rainbow from God" implies we're powerful and/or cunning enough to steal from a supposedly omnipotent entity and then keep them from taking the stolen goods back and honestly I can live with being perceived as this cool.

I dunno if I'm Texan anymore. I'd like to be. Texas thinks otherwise.

This empty bucket may not look like much, but in 1999 and 2000, this was one of the most important things in my new post-transition life.

Thoughts Before Bed

I wanted to go to Canada for the June 30th-July 5th weekend, but the neck pain (and the layoff) kept that from happening. I really want to do SOMETHING tomorrow for the holiday, but my nerve was fairly pinched today.

Maybe if it's feeling good tomorrow, I'll head out and do something local. Grab some restaurant food or head out into the local mountains.

I've got some serious cabin fever and the nerve pain is the cause of it AND making it worse.

"We are the Borg. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."

Link: "BRING IT."

(June Roundup)

You could have called this entire game "The Legend of Zelda: Courage to Jump."

(June roundup)

Maybe when a bunch of trans people are being denied medical treatment and having to flee their home is not the time to post tone-deaf shit like "the fascists are everywhere so you should stay where you are and fight fascism there"

Like I get the sentiment but parents shouldn't stick around where the state will steal their trans kids and then perform torture (conversion therapy) on them. Nor should people be expected to stay somewhere where state actors want to murder them specifically

The #1 thing I'm missing due to this pinched nerve? Roadtrips. I can't sit for too long and it turns out my left arm is my primary driving arm from years of driving a standard.

Many cultures around the world have a legend of a Bon Jovi-like figure.
Germans know him as Guten Joven;
in Brazil he is Bom João

Attention people of The West:

I think they are crumbling under the pressure. Maybe skip the fireworks? If only to save the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources from losing the last shreds of their sanity.

And everything is clean! There's still laundry to do, but that's not a Deep Clean thing. I'll do it later tonight.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.