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This could be our "news"
If we'd get our act together, enact a plan for climate change and actually take care of each other.

Then we could focus on the important things like... just how good of a time did Waffles have?

This is the future I want:

UPDATE: Sorry for the notification, but as this post is circulating again I wanted to make it clear that we are not using Open Collective for donations at this time. You can, however, donate through Ko-Fi here: thank you thank you thank you!!

Hello Fediverse! I am coming before you all today to promote my new instance:! You may have seen my post on my old account about it a few weeks back. I wanted to wait until I finished migrating my old account over here, got the instance up and running to where I wanted it, etc before promoting it fully.

We all know Fedi isn't always kind to Black users, doubly so for Black queers. My instance represents my attempt to continue the amazing work some folks are doing in the Fediverse to make these platforms more accessible and safer for all users, ESPECIALLY marginalized folks.

When I joined the fediverse, the first thing I was searching for almost from the beginning was an instance dedicated to or centering Black queer people explicitly. While there are a few amazing communities like that out there, many of them are either not federating, offering limited federation only, or are currently closed to new users.

This allows them to have much greater control over the content their users are exposed to, which I have tremendous respect and appreciation for. Hell, I've got alts in some of those places!

However. As a newcomer to Fedi, it was not overly easy for me to find these places and gain access, which I recognize is somewhat by design. Limited or no federation meant the only way to locate them was by word of mouth and extensive research.

This is where BlackQueerLife comes in. I want to build a place where Black queer, trans, and GNC folks can feel safe making a home while also being able to venture out into the rest of the fediverse. I want somewhere they can use as a landing pad. I want as many multiply marginalized Black folks off of corporate hellsites like Twitter and Bluesky as possible. We are not safe being corporate playthings.

Most importantly, I want every Black queer person who joins Fedi to know that they have somewhere they can go. I don't expect that all would necessarily want to join, but I want all Black queer fedizens to know that they are welcome to.

So if you see this, please boost this post to spread the word. If you already boosted the other posts that have gone out about this instance, no pressure. Thanks so much!

#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #BlackFediverse #BlackQueer #BIPOC #QTPOC #LGBTQ

I call BS on Universal. No licensed arborist would severely cut back healthy & maintained trees during an extreme heat season like this. #WGAStrike

@DamienMarieAtHope The permanent, irreversible damage done to our economy and society by the trickle-down lie (and the permanent, irreversible damage done to our planet by #climatechange) is criminal. But what's even more reprehensible is that so many of the perpetrators are still alive, and will never face any consequences.

What would it take to shift the Overton window from "we need to reach across the aisle" to "we need to hold these people accountable"?

The one place that has a soup I really like and can't find anywhere else also has to be the rudest one. Hate giving them money, but if I want Yen Ta Fo that's where I gotta go.

Need to learn to make that myself.

Sitting in the car with the sun beating down on me during a hot day when the AC doesn't work. I remember this with Cheyenne. I also remember not liking it at all.

This kind of brilliantly stupid shit is what I miss from the early days of the internet

A comparison of the DVD and Blu Ray since I did it for another poster. The DVD is on the left, the HD transfer (from Amazon Prime Video) on the right:

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"You know what I miss? The old Internet Underground Music Archive. Fun place to listen to new music if you had a 5 hours on the 9600 baud modem. Let's wiki it up and reminice....what's this link? Oh. OH MY."

I cannot stress this enough, fuck you so much Joe Biden for ending the COVID emergency.

It's coming! The 1080p remaster is the way to go. While we're losing the 16:9 presentation, what we are getting is the proper 4:3 special effects which were so badly presented in the DVD releases. To quote another franchise "The Best of Both Worlds."

Transition Tips for Straight Guys Before Bed #7572:

Just before bed, shave your legs, moisturize them, then dive under the covers. Trust me, you'll love it.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.