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When I gathered the courage to tell my mother that I was her daughter, not her son, she simply said:
"I have suspected so, ever since you were born."
"I was cursed when expecting you. A demon would take my firstborn son."
"It came, looked at you and said 'Nah'."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

Overheard in the YouTube Comments: "I'm really happy being a woman, knowing I'm physically immune to hungry man meals."

So, voted today, though in lieu of the poll worker sticker I would usually have with this, I have the medication that is my reason for not being a poll worker today.

"But how do you vote on election day (as opposed to absentee) and not walk into a building with people you would be infecting," you ask? Well, Ohio actually has this covered - it's called curbside voting.

First, drive to your polling location. OHIO IS A STICKLER ON HAVING YOU VOTE AT THE PRECINCT ASSIGNED FOR YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS. Next, you need to get the attention of the Precinct Election Officials (PEO's) inside; they may have a person or two assigned to keep an eye out, but it probably works better to ask another voter going inside to let them know they have a "curbside voter".

They will send two people out to help you, from differing parties, because auditing is important (and really more than half of a voting process, tbqh). They will then start by doing what they'd do at a roster table - ask for acceptable ID (Good news, US Passports are acceptable in Ohio now! Bad news, utility bills are no longer acceptable), ask you to state your name and current address, and write stuff down on a pink envelope. They will hand this pink envelope for you to look at and sign. They'll then head back inside for a bit.

After the PEO's verify you're in the poll book and haven't voted (or asked for an absentee ballot), you're in the right location, find and log the paper ballot they're bringing out to you, and hopefully sterilize things, they'll both come back out with the envelope and a paper ballot. Fill in the circles (completely, as instructed) as you wish, then fold the ballot loosely in half and stick it in the pink envelope. At this point, you seal the envelope, which you can lick but, as neither I nor the voting location manager felt like offering COVID-19 samples, a spare vote sticker was used in my case.

They then take the envelope back inside, and you're done! They both sign at the bottom as well, and do any further logging as necessary. If there are issues, such as "you moved or changed your name", you may end up voting provisionally, and may have some follow-up on a later day.

Remember that polls in Ohio close at 7:30 P.M. Also, note that this is a method where you are not in a line, so you will want to let them know you're out there before 7:30. But, if you didn't get an absentee ballot and you can't walk into the polling location, this is an option and I encourage you to vote however it has to happen.

"We just updated our services. Pray we don't update them any further."

Flying is actually the safest mode of transportation. The second safest is dreaming. The third safest is decomposing into rich earth and drifting away with the wind and rain.

Welcome... to Night Vale.

The Ohio vote was decisively "no" it seems (that is the good outcome)

The hyper-short version: a dirty attempt at making it harder to pass constitutional amendments right before a vote to enshrine abortion rights in their state constitution was voted down

#ohio #uspol

Disaster movies seem to have an extremely strict formula! One: add a divorced cis man, the more disaster life the better, absolutely soaking wet meow meow. Two: ex wife is Much Cooler than him. Three: kid hates him and is the coolest person in the entire movie usually. Four: disasterrrrrrrr YOU MUST OUTRUN THE PHYSICS. Five: get the exes together in the rubble, because clearly they forgot in the excitement why they divorced each other. Neither party has really actually changed.

awesome job, #ohio and all y'all that worked so hard getting the word out (lookin' at you & your team @RavynWitch ❤️ )

So it turns out that the name Tate is not short for Potato

on my bike ride home, I passed a kid who was maybe 11 years old riding his bike the opposite direction on the sidewalk, and while we were passing he yelled at me, “I’m riding a bike too!!”

I rang my little bell and we gave each other a thumbs-up and it was so cute & wholesome ☺️

(honestly this is the interaction I hope for every time I pass another cyclist)

#cycling #biking #bikecommute

I know summer is prime grilling weather, but anytime I smell smoke in the air now, I think "wildfire."

Ten years I've been here and I've never felt an earthquake. And this one was down the street....

the real trouble with baking bread is the seemingly infinite amount of time where you want to eat bread, and you can SMELL bread, yet you cannot get ye bread.

...bread. 🍞

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.