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Today's Star Trek: The Next Generation is "Half a Life."

Troi: "Deanna Troi, personal log. Stardate 44805.3. My mother is onboard."

Jenn: "Well, we don't NEED to watch this one...."

Ever wanted your desktop windows to jiggle around on-beat? I wrote a Winamp plugin to solve this important problem.


I made today a "by gawd, I'm not doing anything I don't want to," and by gawd, I did it.

New BBQ place opened down the street. Dare I try it for dinner? Cause...even the best BBQ out here is Bill Miller's level back home.

Thanks Apple for my new email signature:

"Please do not reply this message to avoid starting a new interaction."

That's it? That's IT? I need some gochujang, but otherwise, this is super easy to make. Once I fry the chicken, just toss in the sauce and Gochujang Fried Chicken Sammich!

I feel like I've stumbled into a Paddington sequel

Don't be mad at UPS workers for suddenly making a fuckton more money than you. Be mad at your employer for not paying YOU that much.

If you want what they now have, JOIN A FUCKING UNION. Expect more of the people who make money off of your work.

it's cute when websites think I would turn off my ad blocker rather than just leaving the page

It’s ok alcohol calories

I can be pretty empty too

HR: You’re going to need to temper your enthusiasm.

Me: My last review you said you wanted more exuberance?

HR: ...but yelling “Fuck Yeah!” every time they announce there is cake in the break room isn’t what we had in mind.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.