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::flashback to high school::

Guy Who Was a Jerk to Me in High School: Why do all the girls hang out with a nerdy guy like you?
Pre Transition Jenn (out loud): I dunno. I'm just nice to them.
Pre Transition Jenn (internally): They know as much as I do that I'm a girl, my dude. I told them.

Thank you to all the girl friends who saw the real me back then. Still love y'all. ❤

Cartoon statue boobies. 

Wierd Non Sequitur Star Trek Image of the Week

Tears of the Kingdom Post-Game Milestone:
All Energy Cells obtained! They give Zonaite out like candy down in the depth.

Current status:
All Shrines
97 Light Roots
All Korok Seeds, Main Quests, Side Adventures, Shrine Quests, Side Quests and Memories completed.

94.58% Complete
360 Hours Played

I see your "Mercury in retrograde" and raise you "Mercury in retro games"

Two years into using Linux Mint, and I hardly ever touch Windows anymore. I've had to use it for some Multimedia stuff, but beyond that, nothing. I'm looking at relegating Windows 11 down to a Virtual Machine, at this point.

Meet my Windows 11 VM: Mineru. If you get it, you get it.

::searches Google Images for some Mineru wallpaper::


"Okay, if I'm going to be superstrict about my diet, Saturday is cheat day. Just still gonna log carbs and insulin, just not care. An now, A BAGEL."

::checks nutritional info::


And this is why child rights are human rights.

"Call me old-fashioned, but if I were a parent, I'd quite like to know whether my son, Sam, was showing up at school as Samantha."

"If you don't already know, there's a reason she's not telling you.
It's you. You're the problem."

I don’t understand how COVID is spiking again after we’ve tried everything from pretending it’s over to pretending it never happened

This is so much fun. Nintendo should make a whole game around this mechanic. #TearsOfTheKingdom #Zelda #NintendoSwitch

Playing around with how I want to do the Superman comparison pages. I really don't like the ST:TMP page, but I can't think of any other way to deliver the information.

Also: I don't have a copy of the theatrical version of Superman! How did that happen?

Today's PSA: when there's someone you'd like to criticize, who is definitely worthy of that criticism, criticize them for that. For their policies, for their bad behavior, for their terrible opinions. But don't criticize their appearance. They're never going to hear you. But do you know who will hear you? Your friends who share those characteristics. Especially your fat friends. We hear that you equate fatness with slovenliness, with stupidity, with being evil. We hear, and know that's what you secretly think about us, or make an exception for us and say that we're 'one of the good ones' who 'tries real hard.' So just don't. Fat people are entitled to being treated decently and with respect. If you don't want to give that to the person you are criticizing, that's fine. But don't give it to them because they're terrible people, not because they're fat. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.