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13yo ME: Don't tell me what to do!
45yo ME: I would greatly appreciate it if someone would tell me, precisely, in chronological order and in excruciating detail, what to do.

On this Labor Day, remember the unions who pushed for 8 hour work days and weekends off in the first place. Those used to not be a thing!

This is legit scary. Marsha Blackburn is openly admitting that her bill KOSA will be used to drive trans people off the internet.

But Democrats are lining up to support it, and LGBTQIA+ orgs have dropped their opposition. WTF WTF WTF

Web site: It looks like you’re blocking ads!
Me: It looks like you’re blocking content.

If a GOP politician wishes the world a Happy Labor Day, ask them if they support “right to work” laws. If so, as most in fact do, call them out. You can’t be pro Labor Day and anti-union.

Please stop the brainworms from making me think that people who dont talk to me often = they hate me.

All labour is labour. People who tell you that you're somehow not working-class because you work with your brain and a keyboard, and don't come home covered in grime from 16 hours of breaking stones in the misery mines, are not the friends of labour. They are the catspaws of capital. You are not better (or worse) than a coal miner or lumberjack. Your relationship to capital is exactly the same -- you trade labour for subsistence, to make the capitalist class richer.

Here's the thing: Making more money from a job doesn't change your class. You either own the means of production or you do not. That is the distinction. What the job is, what you make or sell, who your clientele is, these things make no difference at all to the facts of social class.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.