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Cyndi Lauper sang the Pee-Wee's Playhouse theme?!

Thinking Big Thoughts today. Lots of ramifications based on those thoughts and a real Nexus of where the future can go. And a lot of those branches from that point aren't the best.

Thoughts Before Bed

Sometimes, you don't have the same shared experiences as your friends. You have to remember that YOU can be the minority in an opinion, even if your own mindset is all you know.

I do my best, but I've got some serious thinking to do over the next few days.

Silly Jenn Fact: I got an early copy of Half-Life back in the day as a gaming company I was afiliated with was asked to make some deathmatch levels for World Opponent Network ready for Day One.

Nothing I made was used in our levels, but I spent a LOT of time in 1998 in the game, testing Deathmatch levels, playing the main game, and dabbling in level creation (I was hired mostly to write documentation and make the occasional graphic).

To this day, if I want to relive the late 90s, I'll fire it up and play a few levels.

The #1 thing I miss about Twitter is the ability to complain directly to company's social media platforms so I can complain about things like the cashier at the Monroe 7-Eleven literally walking away from cashing me out, then specifically avoiding me while making eye contact for three minutes until I finally just walked out.

Sometimes, they listened.

My brain is in a wierd place right now. All night long I kept dreaming about a stunt man who keeps driving directly into a squib, or an explosion, or a bullet. Kept dreaming he'd do it again and again.

I woke up to go to the bathroom, and when I went back to bed, he was at it again. Driving into an explosion or fire or bullets.

I woke up, got on with my day, and was feeling tired so I took a nap a few hours later...and again, same stunt person driving I into fire/bullets/whatnot over and over again....

need to make an incredibly cursed domain with incredibly cursed internet things that you just do not ever do, like:

- running a web server on port 53
- a text board on port 25 that accepts every SMTP connection as a post
- a CA that will sign literally anything you give it via ACME with slurs or something in all fields. they're worthless certificates because they're not in anyone's root cert store but still.
- an SSH gateway that continually scans for open SSH ports on the entire internet. connecting to the gateway forwards you to a random one it found.
- unauthenticated IP cam pointed at a computer with a public, unauthenticated VNC server that refuses to provide video, only remote keyboard and mouse. it will be one of those cameras from the early 2000's off the side of a 7/11 with 3 FPS and monochrome display. if you can tolerate it, the machine is yours to use.

YES! Get vaccinated! Mask up! 💉😷

FDA could green light new #Covid boosters as early as Friday

The shots could become available next week, after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also signs off.

How to use Mastodon:

Step 1: Sign up.

Step 2: Do regular social media stuff.

Journalists: Only those with advanced degrees in computer science should even attempt to navigate Mastodon, the frustrations of its complexities will drive the average user to a state of hysteria.

A bully believes that kindness is weakness. A fool believes that bullying is strength. A true warrior knows that a bully is weak, and that compassion and kindness are strengths they could never comprehend.

When the answer to the "Is your refrigerator running?" joke is "Yes, and it's approaching the highway."

[ #SuperSentai Flashman ep.5 ]
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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.