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We are going into our 5th winter of the #COVID pandemic (4th with any kind of data), if you can believe it.

The patterns of our collective infection of each other are very, very predictable. Our highest waves respond directly to social behaviors we choose, like return to schools with no infection controls, & holiday travel. The only thing that has successfully reduced the waves of infection have been public health measures we take as a collective, like masking, ventilation & physical distancing

Fox News is many things, but it seems to me that, above all, it's grievance reception for a particular kind of insecure adult over 50 who is embarrassingly mourning the loss of a future that openly doesn't want them and failing in an attempt to pretend they're not bothered by it.

Okay, the Y3000 "Future Flavored" Coke ain't bad. Tastes like the "Starlight" one, that tasted like smarties dissolved in cola.

"I’ve lived with armed guards outside my home and have had to upend my family, go into hiding for months and repeatedly move."

-- Yoel Roth, former head of Trust and Safety at Twitter.

This is an incredibly powerful essay about what happens when the most powerful and visible people on the internet go after you.

Anyone need to leave Twitter? I got Blue Sky invites.

"Describe yourself in three fictional characters?"

I change over time. Sometimes dark, sometimes light. Hopefully for the better.

I'm really angry at Nintendo for never hiring me, but I left before I began to hate Nintendo. XBox however, earned my hate in 2003 when Harte Hanks (who was doing XBox Live support for Microsoft) fired me for being trans.

If Nintendo was to get acquired by XBox, that'd be the end of my Nintendo gaming completely.

Oh Twitter. I guess let's do this again:

Are you looking for a Mastodon server with those tasty animemes? Perhaps you've gone searching but found some...unsavory stuff... :INTSLAquapanic:

We created as a safe, cozy, English-first home for happy weebs and all of our varied interests :remspin:

URUSAI! Social: All the otaku content. None of the toxicity.

Come join us in our mission to be wholesome :KaitoCheer:

Transferring servers is a simple 2-step process and all your stuff comes with you, even your followers! :HoloParty:

#anime #manga #mastodon #instance #server #otaku #nerds #geek

Boosts appreciated! #BoostMe

Anti-trans protests happened on Sept 20 in almost every major city in Canada. It’s fucking terrifying, to be honest.

Hate doesn’t stop by itself. It has to BE stopped.

You can help in small and big ways: change your user photo to this, explain why to your family and friends, and go support the side of diversity & equality on Sept 20.

Look around your corner of the country and you’ll find the counter-protest. Stand with them.

#NoSpaceForHate #CDNPoli #ONPoli #TOPoli #2SLGBTQIA #TransRights

After yesterday's hectic five hours, today was a hectic eight hours. Taking the rest of the night off to play Game Boy games.

It turns out we took the wrong approach during Kavanaugh's confirmation process. If we had spent less time focusing on the credible allegations of sexual assault against him and more time claiming he wants to relax the Senate dress code, Susan Collins would have opposed him.

A lot of people are giving the Nintendo Switch port of MK1 a lot of flak.

I don't see a huge problem with the graphical difference, but that's because I don't consider the Nintendo Switch an actual console system. I consider it a portable system with a TV out. Like a more modern Super Game Boy.

So yeah, it looks terrible on an HDTV compared to a PS5. But when you're playing on a 6 inch screen on the bus during your morning commute, it probably looks fine for a portable version of the game.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.