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Cheat day meal number one. Stuffed flatbread. :9

I have to retune the recipe a bit, but recipe soon....

Thought's Before Bed

I think Jenn's Great Restart of 2023 needs to be restarted....

Thought's Before Bed

I think Jenn's Great Restart of 2023 needs to be restarted....

Shit sucks out there, folks. Make sure to tell your friends that you love and support them, especially the ones who seem to be holding it together. They might need it the most.

I probably shouldn't even say this, but came across a transphobic joke from a generally nice-guy celebrity on a show from 1989 and it really hit me.

It was over thirty years ago, the celebrity has done more than enough for the trans community to atone for that joke. But to see it come out of the mouth of that guy as a throwaway line. Blargh.

You will experience climate change through a series of increasingly wild videos, until one day it's you taking the video.


US Pol, General Strike 

Given the impending govt shutdown, can I get some votes on a general strike? I'm serious. Boost this. Someone has to hold these ducks accountable beyond the polls

#GeneralStrike #politics #usa #shutdown

New California law raises minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour, among nation's highest

I like this a lot. I have said for years that my judgment about people, mostly concerns where they started from and where they end up. I have always had a soft spot for people who were trying.

Our Xfinity bill shot up because of an expiring 12-month discount, just as it did a year ago. So I called.

me: I noticed our bill went up and I was wondering if we could repeat whatever pro-forma ritual we need to in order to secure a more reasonable charge again.

them: *laughing* thank you for understanding the situation, sir.

I always try to bear in mind that the customer service people I speak with are *way* more victimized by the shitty behavior of their employers than I will ever be.

I'm really a big believer that General Milley was one of the people who kept Trump administration from turning the US into The Republican Empire. His direct words, orders and actions to follow the Constitution in the event of spurious orders from on high, likely kept the Military from becoming the police of the administration.

We don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator!

“We are unique among the world’s militaries,” Milley said. “We don’t take an oath to a country, we don’t take an oath to a tribe, we don’t take an oath to a religion. We don’t take an oath to a king, or a queen, or a tyrant or a dictator.”

“And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator,” “We take an oath to the Constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America – and we’re willing to die to protect it.”

It’s a line General Milley has delivered before but he chose to use it Friday standing alongside President Biden during a national address – his last as the president’s top military adviser and the nation’s top general.

With the solstice behind me, prime roadtripping season is behind me.

It may look like a lot of exploring, but really is not much for me. Between the damaged car keeping me off forest roads, the A/C no longer working, making driving uncomfortable, and the pinched nerve making driving painful, I didn't get out as much as I'd hoped to.

Still, saw a lot of Washington, learned a lot of history, explored a lot of beautiful places. Hopefully, things will get better quickly, and a repaired car/new truck will make next year a lot more of Washington seen.

Lifehack: If you don't have enough gender in your system, one solution is editing your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to include extended and expanded gender.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.