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It's funny how memory works. I had one of those ugly "I need you to remember a bad time in your life cause you're too happy right now" brain flashbacks to third grade when a teacher was being overly mean to me.
"I don't think Jenn is ever going to see another recess until summer!"
Except, my name wasn't Jenn back then. And the memory is me presenting as a girl.
Funny how memory adapts....
I've had this song in my head all morning.
Ah, the dreaded "pencils down."
I need to be up and awake at 4AM on Friday, so I've been doing a few things to force myself to sleep one hour earlier every day until Friday.
I'm now at a point, though, where I hit this spot where I'm most active, but I HAVE to go to bed. Doesn't matter what I'm doing...I'm DONE, finished or not. "Pencils down."
I HATE that. Cause I almost always have stuff to do, the energy to do it, and I can't sleep knowing something isn't finished.
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter