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Favorite Star Trek: The Original Series episode?

I felt like watching TOS, and put on one of my fave episodes, The Immunity Syndrome.

It's a very good sci-fi episode, where the characters are faced with something so perplexing they don't know how to handle it, and have to learn and understand their way through the first half of the show.

Once they figure it out, it goes from Sci-Fi to character drama as they need to figure out who is best to deal with the problem and the reactions to possibly losing that person. And finally a last ditch fix that could legitimately end with the deaths of everyone while attempting to save the universe.

The effects are also pretty good for 1968.

It's a really great episode among great episodes, and for me, the one that stands out when I think of TOS.

We now return you to Jenn's regular shitposting.

Spent the day playing catchup and getting things ready for the rest of the week. Tomorrow (10/31) is my "New Year's Eve." Hoping to have a nice clean start to my new year. Might sage the house for the new year.

Making Pan de Muerto for the first time since Marisa passed away, mostly because Max Miller's recipe got me thinking about it again. Dough is not cooperating, but dough rarely does. It's rising in the fridge now. Hoping it'll come out okay.

Thinking Big Thoughts about the new year. Particularly the next few days.

Ah, Seven Can Soup. When you need a lot of food, very cheaply, right now.

@jsit @FatsGordo now we want a crossover in which the Ghostbusters refuse to accept Scrooge as a client for ethical reasons

A famous Klingon once said, "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." Cruelty in jest is still cruelty. Bigotry as irony is still bigotry. Do not pretend to be that which you do not want to be.

Still time to watch Pac-Man's Trick or Chomp Halloween Special.

Southwest Airlines, we really need to have a talk. I know Southwest of old, and I realize the days of the "Ten Minute Turnaround" are very over, but my last four flights with you have been super SUPER late. Uncle Herb wouldn't have stood for it.

Also, bring back the tan planes.

On the ground in Seattle. FINALLY. Five hours late.

Apparently, we've encountered Romulans on this flight, and have gone to Red Alert. SHIELDS UP!

Our flight attendant missed his calling as Triple Hs clone

Give a man a fish. Just give him the fish. He's hungry. You have extra fishes. Hand it over fuckface. He doesn't have time to go to your shitty fucking fishing school.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.