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Who knew my old pickup, Cheyenne, was a movie star? Here she is in her cameo role in The Straight Story. Maybe. I dunno what she was doing before she was mine. Could be her.

(Probably not)

The former guy refers to the January 6 defendants as “hostages” and “political prisoners.” We must never forget this: They are people who physically assaulted police officers while trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power. They are no heroes. They are convicted felons.

Incidentally stuff like this is why it's so bad losing Twitter. There's a decade plus of on record statements from political leaders on there, an important tool for accountability that won't magically get migrated somewhere else.

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In England, "booster shot" is spelled "borchestershire shot."

On behalf of the Committee to Prevent Doomscrolling, may I present this dog to cleanse your feed:

Happy circulatory system walking through the kitchen day to those who celebrate

I am sick of being silenced for my perfectly valid beliefs¹

¹ The Jetsons and The Flintstones take place simultaneously in the same cinematic universe due to a nuclear war tearing society into two different technologically based dichotomies

We haven’t had a COVID inquiry yet in the US, but take note, we would reach a similar conclusion.

Cover story for this week's Lancet:

preventing AI from stealing my artstyle by simply never finishing or posting any of it 😎

My dad is dying after a long dance with dementia. I’m here at his bedside as he struggles to breathe. We were never particularly religious, but he did ask for prayers when his illness began. If any of you out there in the fediverse would please send up a prayer that my father, Andrew, be free of suffering and anxiety, we would be so grateful.

So my pharmacy has changed up my Spiranolactone again, and I'm suddenly whiplashing back to the 2000s when I first got the kind of spiro that tastes like mentos and a light dusting of mildew.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.